The Rise and Fall of the Best PPC Ad Agencies

I write this article with a heavy heart. 

First, we all know at least one company who claim to be the best ppc ad agency. Let’s just get that out of the way now.

Many of my friends have been laid off from the PPC agency they worked at. Most of them, at no fault of their own. And many founder friends of mine are on the brink of shutting down their entire ad agency operation. 

But I need to write this article because there’s something more sinister on the other side. Always two side to a coin my friends.

Crisis is a double-edge sword

Crisis has an interesting way to shine the spotlight on ad agency CEOs who haven’t been truthful and transparent with their employees. 

As a result, many supposedly successful agencies are beginning to rear its ugly head. Recent events, I think you know what I’m referring to, have brought many things to light that I’ve been suspicious about for a long time. 

While majority of the sentiment on social media is of empathy and encouragement, there are pockets of apathy — towards CEOs who have been putting on a front this whole time. 

Crisis has also opened my eyes to a reality that I have been blinded too for a very long time.

No, I’m not bearing the burden of what’s wrong in the world. I cannot do that, nor do I want to pretend I can. I do not possess the strength to fight that war.

I am fighting my own battles and bear my own burden and sins. That will take me an entire lifetime, if I’m fortunate.

I’ve often wondered what it means to be the best ppc ad agency. After years of struggling with the how, I started asking myself “why do I want to be the best ppc ad agency” instead.

And what I thought it took to be a great ppc agency is not it appeared to be.

You Get One Chance To Wake Up

There comes a time in life, and perhaps only once in a lifetime, if we are given the opportunity to realize…reflect and share insights that you’ve long suspected about what’s really going on.

Let me be clear. This is not the result of the quarantine. However, there is no way for me to write this article during this time without mentioning the word COVID-19 or coronavirus. So this is the only time you’ll see this in this article. 

In fact, in spite of the crisis, I have thought about how to become the best ppc agency. It was the source of my insecurities when I launched my ppc ad agency and the chip on my shoulder when reading about how other ad agencies are growing to multi-million dollar businesses seemingly overnight.

If you’re an ad agency that doesn’t grow exponentially year over year, then you will likely be ignored and classified as irrelevant by the general public. People like to rub shoulders with popular figures. And the popular figures are the agency CEOs who have seemingly rose to the top.

In fact, there are ppc agencies that grow so quickly, no one bothered to ask these important questions:

  • How are their employees coping with the rapid growth?
  • Are the founders and leaders creating a healthy culture?
  • Why is there a need to grow so quickly?

When I see ppc agencies grow too fast, I find myself asking 1) why can’t I do that? and 2) if something looks too good to be true, then it’s too good to be true.

You see, my friends, I’m torn. But thanks to crisis, everything reveals itself…the good, bad, and ugly. Someone once told me, karma is a beautiful thing.

What Makes a Great PPC Ad Agency?

This is obvious. Right? It’s annual growth.

PPC ad agencies are notorious for touting how many new clients they sign each month. And the benchmark of success is revenue. The almighty dollar. 

best ppc ad agency

On the surface, an agency that can show revenue growth wins. Does that really make a ppc ad agency great? Is that how we define greatness? Is that what talent gravitate toward when looking for a career? Perhaps not, but it certainly helps increase the ad agency’s popularity and social standing in the marketplace.

Or maybe it’s the fancy office decor, free catered lunches, amazing free company trips (you know, the ones where is shared all over social media), working shoulder-to-shoulder with the genius-founder, or having  on your resume. 

It’s strange. Greatness seem to conveniently change base on circumstance. When things are honky dory, like when you just got hired into the hottest, fastest-growing digital agency, everything is great — the company, culture, the 1-hour drive, the long work days, the pay, etc.

After the honeymoon period (and the duration differs for everyone)…when things go awry, when you’ve spent enough time in the belly of the beast, sentiments change. Uproar!

The reality of a best ppc ad agency?

Remember, the polished, smooth-talking, humble-bragging, carefree founder is as human as you and the next person. The only thing setting them apart from you is their title, oh, and the fact they are writing your paycheck.

Whenever I read articles about how an individual or a handful are self-made millionaires and grew their ppc agency to be the talk of town, I have a gag reflex and feel dirty. Why? Because that’s not the reason how they became the best ppc ad agency.

If you ask me, I think the best ppc ad agency starts with the greatness of the team. Period.

Hiding Behind Goodies and Perks

CEOs of ppc ad agencies can get away, for a very long time, without sincerely acknowledging the power of their team. Founders realize the seductive power of free lunches, game rooms, lavish company holiday parties, trips, and other goodies.

Being a 100% remote ppc ad agency, our team does not get showered with the niceties of a typical agency. No sirree. Instead, we all believe in the work we do and focus on delivering results our clients deserve, without the distractions.

During economic stress, the grit of a team gets tested. Accountability gets stretched. And camaraderie is at stake. That’s the time when we get to see what really matters.

People who get laid off will not be talking about how much they missed the free lunches or ping pong tables. Nope. All those things don’t matter at the end of the day when bills can’t be paid. 

People who get laid off will be up in arms about being overworked, the toxic culture, unfair treatment, being lied to about compensation (bonuses), etc. The list goes on and on. Because that’s the underlying truth, swept under the rug when times are good. Incompetence is tolerated when business is smooth.

There is a lot of emotional and psychological debt when agencies are run by narcissistic founders. There’s no other way to describe it. And the fragility of the organization is revealed in crisis.

The Wall Comes Down On Ad Agencies

Looking through, it is apparent that some of the best ppc ad agencies are suffering great financial losses. People are getting laid off because the agency can longer support payroll, among other reasons.

Perks that initially attracted talent like free snacks, free lunches, fancy office space, game rooms, unlimited snacks and ping-pong tables pale in comparison to the lack of leadership and toxic demands by managers.

At the end of the day, all fingers point to the leadership team of the organization. Remember, in good times, employees tolerate a founders erratic behavior and injustice. In crisis, everything is fair game. Loyalty becomes a rare commodity, and awarded to those who led with integrity and honor from day one.

It shouldn’t be any surprise that agencies with insincere founders will start to fall part at the seam. 

Phrases and words that employees use to describe an ailing agency in crisis include:

  • overworked
  • zero support
  • distrustful
  • condescending
  • false promises
  • politics run high
  • vicious cycle
  • insensitive
  • lack of empathy
  • and many more.

This list is from real employee reviews left on Glassdoor for a particular ad agency. I won’t mention names, but this was an agency that has received (more like paid for) many publication mentions, awards, and accolades. But who’s counting.

Popularity can be bought. Everything has a price tag.

Don’t believe me?

I get these emails often (once a week at least). There are publications out there who are just dying to push CEO profiles out there…for a “nominal fee.” What bullshit is that? The smelly and most disgusting kind, I can say that much.

There are many people who might be fooled when they see a CEO on Forbes, or other popular publications. Many of those are pay-to-play. My friends, don’t be deceived by superficial trash.

If you want to really know whether a CEO or leader is the real deal, then do your own research. Ask around. In our generation of unlimited social media connectivity, there is no excuses and you owe it to yourself to know.

People are willing to share, trust me. Whether the person is a scumbag or a saint, they have affected people’s lives one way or another. 

One caveat. And if there is one thing that will make you look like a jerk is this. Don’t throw anyone under the bus! Seek information so you can protect yourself so you can make the right decisions. 

Don’t be the Fyre Festival of PPC Ad Agencies

Being known as the best ppc ad agency doesn’t take much, if you’re willing to pay your way and take shortcuts. If you have the bankroll, you too can influence and reach millions of eyeballs.  

fyre festival fraud

It’s all a facade. Just like the launch of the biggest social media festival that was doomed from the beginning. The Fyre Festival launched as the biggest event for the who’s who of society. Very similar to ad agencies that are positioning themselves as the 800-lb gorilla. 

What the public perceives is usually 180-degree from the reality behind the curtain. We all have problems. No agency is perfect. Yet, there are ad agencies that seem to never have a bad day.

Everything their CEO touch turns to gold. Every client they have raves about their results and services. 100% perfection! It’s all fine and dandy until it’s not. 

When things unravel from within, and when the walls come down, I ask you one question.

Are you really working with the best ppc ad agency? 



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