Conversion Rate Optimization Case Studies

In the world of conversion rate optimization, there are a lot of improvements that can improve results.  Here are studies from our client work that had some results that made our clients smile. How Videos Increased Revenue by 55% for Video content has been proven to increase engagement, so we stand to hypothesis that […]

Need SEO for a New Website? We’ve Got the Magic.

Digital artwork of hands surrounding a glowing, fiery globe with binary code in the background and the text 'Need SEO for a new Website? WE'VE GOT THE MAGIC.

Much like the ancient kingdoms of yore, arcane secrets lie veiled in mystery in the digital realm. Every new website in this domain is like a young sorcerer, eyes ablaze with the possibilities, buzzing to tap into the mystical energies of SEO (search engine optimization). And as every budding magician seeks a trusty enchiridion, so […]