Life’s a bitch and you’re not alone

There’s not a single person I’ve met who can say their life is a breeze.

Yet we like to think we’re the only ones who, somehow, have been hand-selected by the universe to go through trials and tribulations.

As humans, we are not only selfish in glory, but we also find the need to be selfish in suffering.

Truth is, we have all been there when life smacked us hard in the face.

We can never truly start again until we hit rock bottom. And the bottom for everyone is different – this is where I implore you not to compare your worse with anyone else’s.

When we crash and burn, is when we experience change, almost a spiritual awakening that we have suppressed throughout our lives.

It could be a job loss, a death in the family, failing a business venture, losing a competition, or whatever it is.

Take that as your time to reflect on your purpose, priorities, and values, and pave a new road to lead you out of that dark place.

Why choose to give in to defeat and dwell in the past, when the only way from here is up.

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