The 13 Year History of Hashtags

history of hashtags

Have you ever wondered about the history of hashtags? Where did they come from, what were they for, who created them? We took a look back to answer all of your questions about them! The History of Hashtags begins in 2007 When Twitter was nothing more than a baby social network used by only a […]

Our Top 5 Display Advertisements of 2020 So Far

top 5 display advertisements

Display advertisements are everywhere. Our Top 5 Display Advertisements of 2020 will make you cry, laugh, and feel warm and fuzzy inside. Honestly after the first half of this year, we definitely think everyone could use 3 minutes of joy in their day, so enjoy. Our Top 5 Display Advertisements #5. The Pepsi Superbowl 2019 […]

The History of Juneteenth and Why We Must Not Remain Silent

History of Juneteenth

In order to show our solidarity with the Black community during Juneteenth, we here at Fullmoon Digital Media would like to share some of the history of Juneteenth to help others get a better understanding of the holiday and it’s importance. We would also like to use this time to acknowledge the hardships and racism […]

Remote Work and Coronavirus: Keeping Sane and on Track in 2020

prepare your business

Remote work and Coronavirus seems to be our theme of 2020. Remote work was distracting enough for some people as it was, being so unstructured. Adding COVID-19 to the mix didn’t help any, causing most people around the globe to stare at the news all day for weeks. Needless to say, everyone is stressed out, […]

Juneteenth (June 19th) And Why We Are Proudly Declaring It A Holiday


What is Juneteenth, and why does it matter?  Juneteenth is a lesser-remembered day by those whose ancestors were not enslaved in 1865. The day is a celebration of the end of slavery in Galveston, Texas.  On June 19th, 1865, Union Army Major General Gordon Granger traveled into Galveston Texas. He read the Emancipation Proclamation to […]