8 Questions To Ask Your PPC Agency

questions to ask your PPC agency

Companies in nearly any industry can drive growth by taking advantage of tools like Google Ads and pay-per-click, or PPC, digital marketing to get their name out there and convert consumers. Because you don’t pay unless the target customer actually clicks on your ad, there is a high level of control over growing your customer […]

7 Reasons Why Marketing Is Important For Small Businesses

why is marketing important to small businesses

7 Reasons Marketing Is Important For Small Business Without marketing, even a product like the iPhone would never reach the hands of customers.  While your small business might not be Apple, there’s no denying that marketing for small businesses is essential for letting the world, and your customers, know that your brand, your product, or […]

Outsourcing Marketing for Small Business – Should You Do It?

Outsourcing marketing for small business

Should Small Businesses Look to Outsource Their Marketing? As if big-business competitors, personnel issues, ever-present paperwork, COVID fallout, and supply chain deficiencies weren’t enough for small business owners to deal with, the pressing need for digital marketing that connects with customers is looming on the horizon for the small business owner of today. If you […]