Fullmoon Digital Defies Recession Gloom

What is the definition of a recession?

There is a way to prepare for unknown circumstances in a way that doesn’t put all of your hard work at risk. We haven’t figured out the answers to everything in this industry, but we do know a thing or two about defying the recession gloom we see around us. 

The Social Media Legal Soap Opera – Weekly News From the Wolves Den

The social media legal soap opera - girl with popcorn watches social logos fight

Welcome to the Wolves Den, your hub for this week’s digital marketing news. This week, the hot topic is social media feuds (both in and out of the courtroom).

What can we infer from this week’s industry news as it relates to our work as digital marketers? Let’s dive in.

The Musk-Twitter Saga and the Tech Employment Circus – Weekly News From the Wolves Den

Twiter app on a smartphone home screen

Welcome to the Wolves Den, your hub for this week’s digital marketing news. Yes, we’ll discuss hot topics like Twitter’s lawsuit against Elon Musk’s commitment issues, but we’ll also deliver the latest trends in our field, from PPC to SEO to the ever-changing algorithm on your favorite social media platform. 

What can we infer from this week’s industry news as it relates to our work as digital marketers? Let’s dive in.

Top Reasons to Choose Fullmoon Digital as Your Email Marketing Agency

email marketing agency

An effective email marketing strategy requires expertise, hard work, a willingness to learn, and dedication. Sometimes, it can be challenging for a busy professional, entrepreneur, or small business CEO to find the time necessary to run a successful email campaign.  That is where a Full Moon Digital Marketing comes into the picture. A full-service email […]

Why Thank-You Emails are the Gold Mine of Email Marketing 

thank-you emails

Newsletters, digests, dedicated sends, behavior-driven emails, lead nurturing emails, and more are all options depending on your business’s goals and needs. Each have their purposes, yet many marketers overlook a particular type of email that tends to get a lot of traction— the transactional thank-you emails.   You heard that right: Transactional emails are one of the most […]

What Is Email Marketing & How Does It Work? 

Did you know that email marketing is the most profitable and cost-effective direct marketing channel, generating an average return on investment of $36 for every $1 spent . That’s a higher return than any channel you can imagine — as long as you don’t buy into the hype of those 100X ROI social posts by “influencers.” Moving […]

10 Basic Reasons Why Email Automation Workflows Are Crucial to Win

What is Email Automation? Email automation allows you to send the right emails at the right times, making communication with potential customers more effective. You have the ability to provide tailored experiences for customers based on the data about their purchases and behaviors. Automated emails may include order confirmations, shipping confirmations, abandoned cart notifications, welcome […]