We tell ourselves that we have to hustle and grind and give it all we’ve got. Doing more than others will help us win the game. Pushing our limits will produce amazing results. Our work days can be long and demanding. But we don’t care, because we are marathon runners, not sprinters. I read and […]



A friend says he’s going take things easy for a while – because life is at a crossroads and his job is a constant source of stress. His idea of such decision is puzzling. Problems, unless tackled with tenacity head-on will not disappear on its own. We all know someone in our office or social […]


We keep looking for the missing link As humans, we try to find the missing link, whatever that is to each one of us.   As humans, we often feel there’s something more to life than just work and paying bills. And you’ll be right. There is. But that missing link is different for everyone. […]

9-To-5 Hours Doesn’t Work For Everyone

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American work almost 7 hours a day. That’s not exactly a full 8-hour day — but one hour lunches could account for the missing hour. Traditionally, most employers expect a 9-to-5 work schedule. It’s the norm.   But you may be surprised that many companies are […]

The Top Pay-Per-Click Advertising Mistakes To Avoid

Pay-per-click (PPC) mistakes to avoid While PPC is refreshingly simple, it’s a double-edged sword. Because of it’s easy-to-implement nature, it is also easy for you to make mistakes that could cost a lot of money. I have seen businesses waste thousands of dollars on PPC because they didn’t completely know what they were doing. Launching […]

6 Ways to Win More Clients for Your Law Firm

The need for law firm marketing is growing exponentially. The importance of lead conversion for law firms has never been greater. And closing more high value clients is paramount to the growth of law firms. Every lawyer knows what it’s like to pursue a prospect and then have that live lead go dead. It’s the […]

Avoid These Law Firm Marketing Mistakes If You Want To Grow Your Practice

Law firm marketing requires you to pay close attention to your campaign performance and lead generation costs. Many attorneys are unable to compete in search advertising because of the increasing costs it take to compete for the same clients. On the other hand, you cannot ignore online advertising to reach new and valuable clients at […]

Derek Chew’s Golden Grid Facebook Strategy for Local Businesses

Local independent businesses struggle with Facebook marketing primarily because they lack an effective strategy. When I talk to local businesses, there are two common things they tell me. I’m a small business owner and have no one to run my Facebook ads. OR I’ve tried Facebook ads before and it didn’t work for me. These […]


Life’s a bitch and you’re not alone There’s not a single person I’ve met who can say their life is a breeze. Yet we like to think we’re the only ones who, somehow, have been hand-selected by the universe to go through trials and tribulations. As humans, we are not only selfish in glory, but […]


Diversify your team if you want to succeed The strangest thing I’ve seen in my career is the similarities in characteristics and traits in the same team; we call that “fit.” People hire others who are like them. When I was hiring for positions at my previous companies, I believed that in order for the […]


Know where you stand in your interview During interviews, I’d like to know the applicants’ strengths and weaknesses. I like to find out if they have helped or hindered their progress. I’m surprised at the number of people who don’t have a clue what their true skills or flaws are, much less know how to […]

A Solid Social Media Marketing Strategy To Take Your Brand From Zero to Hero

Do you need help getting started with your social media marketing strategy? Here’s the situation. You run an eCommerce business. You have social media profiles. But nobody engages with your content. Like any savvy business owner, you’re clear on one thing — you need traffic to your website. You have a few options. Google Ads. […]

How REI Solidified Their Purpose with #OptOutside on Black Friday

Black Friday is the biggest shopping season for retailers. The sales generated in one day can contribute to over 60 percent of the year. Hundreds of deal-seekers flock to stores every year ready to shop. For one brand in particular, Black Friday was an opportunity to share the company’s purpose with the public — customers, […]

86 Digital Marketing Lies “Bad Actor” Marketers Tell You

Brands are sold packaged digital marketing lies every day across the world. From search and social media to content marketing, there’s a growing distrust from brands about what they’re actually getting. In this article, I’m sharing 86 digital marketing lies (myths) you need to be aware of when talking to marketers. Keep on reading to […]

Law Firm Marketing Tactics You Can Do Yourself Today

law firm marketing

If you are wondering why you’re not getting as many new clients as before — the reason is an obvious one. Your competitor is getting them. When I was running digital marketing at LegalZoom, lead generation drove 80% of our business. We focused on our Google Ads optimization and landing page conversions like our life […]