Scale Your Marketing Budget By Doing This

Because I talk to many small to medium size businesses, I get asked this question a lot. How much should I invest in my marketing? For most business owners, this question is on the top of their list. Understandably so. Business owners must be mindful about how much money they need to set aside for […]

5 Secrets To Grow a Digital Agency

Something given, nothing asked. How to grow a digital agency the right way. Starting a digital agency is easy. Sustaining and how to grow a digital agency is a different story. Many of us like to think we’re charitable and always ready to help someone in need. But it’s based on one very simple and […]

It Doesn’t Have To Be Lonely At The Top

Don’t afraid to succeed, you won’t be lonely at the top In everything I do, I focus on these things. How I can help someone. What value did I add to their life. And if I fail to deliver, what did I learn. This is the foundation of my every day life. But everyone does […]

Why Brands Outsource Digital Marketing to Amplify In-House Teams

I run an ad agency. But I’ll be the first one to tell you that outsourcing your entire marketing responsibility is the wrong move. Am I shooting myself in the foot? After talking to so many brands, I realize that outsourced and in-house marketing can co-exist in a synergy. And deliver amazing results to boot. […]

How To Plan for Your Internet Marketing for Growth

What is an internet marketing plan? It’s hard to know where you should first focus your efforts to achieve your marketing goals. After all, there’s so much content on topics of social media marketing, content marketing strategy, search engine strategies, acquiring and building loyal customers — so much information leaving you overwhelmed and ready to […]

Social Media Customer Excellence Is The Real Long-Term Strategy

How to show your customers you really care? That’s a great question. I believe it’s the foundation of a thriving business. Why? Because without customers, who will you sell your products and services to? While it’s a hot topic for brands of all sizes, not many brands have succeeded in capturing the essence of customer […]

Local Simi Valley Internet Marketing Agency Featured on

Our founder, Derek Chew, was featured in for his work at Fullmoon Digital. He got my first job after he graduated from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in 2000 where he received my degree in computer science and mathematics. Derek started my career as a web developer for a small company in Ann Arbor, […]

Google Advertising Works for Small Business

If you’ve used Google search anytime in your life before, then you’ve probably clicked on a Google ad — sometimes without even knowing you did. Many of you know Google as just a search engine. And you’re right. It’s the world’s largest search engine, with over 3.5 billion searches per day — that’s A LOT […]


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There is no shortage of advice floating around social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn for people seeking new direction in their life. Phrases like “Follow your passion and go all-in,” or ” “Just follow your passion,” or “believe in yourself, let your passions guide you” dominate social feeds daily. As a result, many people turn […]

Businesses Stop Growing Because of These Reasons

struggling small business

The truth is a tough pill to swallow. When it comes to our business, we pretend everything’s fine to our peers, other business owners, and friends. You appear calm and collected on the surface, but we’re unsure of the future of our business. You create the public perception that business is booming, when in reality, […]

A Raw and No Bullshit Dose of Reality for Any Startup

Anyone who’s starting their own business understands and can appreciate how difficult things can get — financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Let’s face it, start up life is a pain in the ass. I’m not going to sugarcoat how difficult it is to run a start up, especially unfunded. If you are thinking about starting […]



We can blame age, stress, too much work, too little sleep for constantly being tired. But that may not necessarily be true. To the entrepreneurs, hustlers who grind, a busy lifestyle is par for the course. Bad habits like sleeping less start to develop. I usually go to bed by 1 a.m. or 2 a.m., […]


So many of us are stuck in a rut. We do the same things every day/week/year and eventually become robotic. We wake up, go to work, come home, sleep…then we rinse and repeat that 5 days a week. This is because we’re creatures of habits. Learning to do something fulfilling is simple once you discover […]



Many of us often focus on the negative aspects of life. We are bitter about losing our jobs, holding grudges towards someone who hurt us, not forgiving a friend who betrayed our trust. So much so that positivity loses its place in our hearts. There is so much things we could always do better and have better […]