Ultimate Guide to Brainstorm for Content

The question most people ask me is “How do you brainstorm for content?”

My answer is always “LET YOURSELF GO. FREE YOUR MIND!”


By asking these questions to formulate ideas for your content.


What are questions people ask me in every sales call?

What do I want to achieve in my career / business?

What are the common problems my clients need a solution for?

What do people do that irks me?

What am I passionate about even if it doesn’t make me any money?

What does success really mean to you?

What are the things that I really need to work on in my life?

What are my predictions for the future of my industry, society, technology?

What characteristics do I love most in my favorite leader?

What do I REALLY care about?

What does it mean to create value without expectations?

What amount of money will change the way you think about life?

What was the moment you realize your purpose in life?

What do you think like about the people you look up to?

What’s unfair about the life you are living?

What do you wish you could change about yourself? And if you could, what are you doing about it?

What type of people do you want to surround yourself with?

What or who have been the biggest influence in your life?

What are the 5 biggest mistakes you can give to business owners?

What do you do to balance your work and life?

What do you do to maximize your waking hours?

What does inspiration look like to you?

What is the most important lesson you learned that change your outlook on life, people, and work.

What are you most afraid of in your life?

What is the question you feel is not asked enough in business?


How can your business reach your addressable audience effectively?

How can you improve your customer acquisition funnel?

How can you create more value for your audience?

How can you make things better in your life?

How is what you are doing different than anyone else?

How do you create content that is relevant to your readers?

How to hire the right people for your business?

How to integrate automation in your workflow?

How do you manage your time when you’re starting a new business?

How did you overcome your greatest fear in life?


When is it time to start your own business?

When did you realize that you were unhappy at your job?

When should you hire your first sales person?

When did you realize something that changed the direction of your life?

When have you executed a campaign that generated results beyond your expectation?

When do you ask for help from your network?

When do you need a business mentor or business coach?

When you start advertising in search and social, what’s the most important thing to do?

Wrapping it up

The less you judge yourself, ideas, thoughts, and creativity, the more output you are able to have.

So buckle up. Pour a glass of wine. Put on your favorite song. And dive in.