One of the oldest saying, and also cliche goes like this:
“What does it mean to say the grass is always greener on the other side “
This simply means that what the other people have is better than what you have on your side.
I hate this phrase. It’s a phrase that the weak uses as their crutch for lack of accountability — those who hate the hustle.
OK, I wrote the above as if I was such a motivated person my entire life. Nope. I was not.
I have been guilty of using this as well, especially when I need to justify my actions.
When I was working at LegalZoom, working on their internet marketing lead generation campaigns, life was good. I can’t say the work was easy — but definitely enjoyable to be working alongside the founders.
However, when a seemingly more exciting opportunity came along, I needed a reason — an excuse to jump ship.
So what did I do? I came up with so many reasons why I thought the grass was going to be greener on the other side.
Don’t get me wrong. I have never regretted moving from each job, after all, that wasn’t my destiny in my mind.
Each job was a milestone where I gained experience for what I do today — running my own ad agency.
The weak are always looking for greener pasture
The easiest thing to do is move on.
The most cowardice action is to switch sides when your army is losing.

It’s discouraging to see people move on not because of better opportunities but based on their perception of what MIGHT BE or COULD BE waiting for them on the other side.
In fairness, there are situations when the grass is obviously greener on the other side.
Abusive relationships, deceitful bosses, lying business partners, energy vampires, etc. are all great reasons to seek new environment. And with good reason to.
When you see the truth, right there in front of you, there is no denying that there are situations that are clear.
But there are other situations where people conjure up make belief worlds and justify the idea that the unknown field over there is much greener.
Don’t base your life on unsubstantiated reasoning
We all make mistakes.
Yes, there’s a tiny group of people who don’t think they’re ever wrong — that’s an entirely different article.
The idea of “there’s something better elsewhere” is an enticing one especially when you’re experiencing seemingly insurmountable challenges.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, that’s when your mind wanders — you begin to think there has to be something, someone, somewhere better than the situation you’re in.
People who have this mindset will constantly search for something they perceive better whenever things go sideways. There will be no end.
This is no surprise society is plagued with depression — because there will be no end to the search for perfection, whatever that means.
Your situation does not need to define you
Look, my friends, there is no such thing as a perfect life.

Despite what motivational videos or speakers are you listening to, life is never going to be perfect as you envision.
But what you should be seeking is contentment in your life. Continue your hustle, continue pushing and working hard to succeed.
But I will end with this question…
Are you able to recognize success when you see it? And will you embrace it and be content?