Integrate Remote Work If You Want to Survive and Succeed

Interest in remote work is growing. Period.

Innovation in workplace doesn’t happen frequently. Minor changes do happen, but a complete shift is rare .The workplace is an area that holds true to “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

As fate would have it, current workforce, new graduates, and next generation of workers and business owners are witnessing history in the making as businesses realize how remote work can help them become more effective and efficient.

Remote Work Is Not a Nice-to-have Anymore

Remote work used to be a luxury, offered by many tech companies. Employees are allowed to work remotely as long as they get the job done — but that isn’t the same as remote work. 

remote work

In my opinion, the occasional remote work is just working from [INSERT LOCATION HERE]. Because employees realize they are going back to the office tomorrow, there’s little worry if not much gets done for one day. The same is not true for a 100% remote digital agency like FMDM.

Companies without a remote work plan are suffering today. Here’s the best part – businesses don’t even need to be 100% remote. Because the reality is not every business can have a 100% remote work force.

But for businesses without a contingency remote work plan, its operations come to a screeching halt, employees lack direction, and sales are declining daily. 

Any business without a disaster continuity plan could fail. How a company sets up remote work structures could make a difference between surviving a disaster and being a casualty facing total shutdown. 


For those who are unfamiliar with this acronym, it’s short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Nobody can prepare for a VUCA world. But VUCA should not be used as a crutch — I would never condone that!

Disasters often usher in a VUCA period. The economy is rattled, people losing their jobs, businesses shut down, and we go into a recession. But that doesn’t mean your business has to be a victim — if you were prepared with a crisis continuity plan.

We live in a digital world. Practically any activity from education, shopping, gaming, finance, and more can be done online. But yet, businesses are looking at the digital space as complementary and some are not even prioritizing their digital strategy. What a shame.

In-House Vs Remote Teams for Your Digital Marketing

Businesses that have built large in-house digital marketing teams are effective but do not adapt well without a manageable disaster continuity plan for smooth transition from in-house to remote work.

Understandably so, every standard operating procedure is created with an understanding that teams will be in the office, with the occasional work from home days — which is not the same as remote work standard operating procedures.

Efficiency is disrupted when teams are displaced in a disaster. Not everyone is wired for remote work — isolation without physical human contact can cause emotional and psychological problems for some.

Remote work are best suited for teams that have been created around a distributed structure. Businesses that have made remote work a part of their culture are the ones that will continue to service its customers with little to no disruption. 

In fact, those are the times when remote teams thrive.

Remote Teams Face Less or No Interruptions

Disaster continuity will rise to the top of the priority list of discussion topics for many businesses — startups to the largest companies on our planet earth. The ability and preparation to continue operations in the event of a large-scale unforeseen disaster will be of utmost importance to mitigate the threat. 

Companies are learning valuable lessons from current events. Those who heed the warning, and fortunate enough to survive, must take the necessary steps so they are prepared in the event of another disaster — not a matter of IF, but WHEN it happens.

Just a few short years ago, many jobs couldn’t be done remotely. Growth in technology and innovation has bridged that gap and empowered more people to work from anywhere in the world.

This is why ad agencies with remote teams are equipped to handle disasters better than anyone else.

When things go south…

A team that is already working, communicating, and executing from around the country is going to have a normal day with no disruption.

But an in-house team that needs to get set up at home, install all the tools, and 

Interest in Outsourcing to a Remote Team is Growing

When it comes to online marketing and eCommerce businesses, there’s a glaring difference between outsourcing to another agency that has in-house teams versus outsourcing to a digital agency with that remote team in place.

Interest in the latter structure has been growing lately – for obvious reasons. Businesses realize that not all outsource digital marketing agencies are equal — especially in the location of team members.

From day one, Fullmoon is a 100% remote digital agency — our team is distributed across the U.S. and international markets. FMDM clients do not suffer from disruptions or delayed responses. During crisis, one of the most important thing you can provide your clients is prompt responses and deeper communication — two of our core beliefs.

Clients need peace of mind that we have everything under control while they figure out how operationally navigate the crisis. And it is our duty to give our clients peace of mind.

Come to think of it, when a prospect asks us what makes Fullmoon different?

My answer will be “We give you peace of mind and assurance that we’ve got your back.” That’s what we bring to the table!

Switching to Remote Teams for Digital Marketing Support

It’s not too late find a digital marketing team to support your business remotely. But it will be too late if you wait around for the next E.L.E. to happen. OK, maybe that’s too dramatic — but you get my point!

As you can imagine by now, I’m a huge advocate for remote work and setting up SOPs for remote teams. 

FMDM is built on the remote work model and I see this approach working for a very long time, if not permanently. Companies that outsource to an ad agency with a proven remote team that deliver results will:

  • have peace of mind in time of crisis
  • save money on continuous training and education (we got you covered)
  • execute campaigns without delay
  • increase efficiency and be more effective (make more money!)
  • survive the crisis and emerge stronger
  • and many more…

The future of remote working for digital agencies

Remote working will continue to explode as more business want their employees to operate remotely.

My predictions:

  1. within 15 years, most businesses will have their employees working remotely as tools that enables this will accelerate this evolution.
  2. more businesses will be outsourcing digital marketing activities to agencies with remote teams as part of a crisis continuity plan

Companies who do this well will ensure they can cope with the demands of the modern work forces and any unexpected events that happen in the coming years.

Companies who are not considering outsourcing to digital marketing agencies with remote teams are in trouble.