COVID-19: Lockdown with Thought Leader Scott Sorenson

COVID-19: Lockdown with Thought Leaders gives us a deeper look into the upended lives of professionals and industry leaders everywhere. Today’s eipsode is starring Scott P. Sorenson. 

*Transcript for COVID-19: Lockdown with Thought Leader Scott Sorenson provided by Scribie*
Bryan: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, or good morning, depending on where you are in the world, today. My name is Bryan Shue with Fullmoon Digital and I have the distinct pleasure of welcome Scott Sorenson to the show today. We are doing Lockdown with Thought Leaders here and I just think it’s fantastic that I’m getting to meet Scott here digitally. And it was just through my good friend Derek Check introducing the two of us, and I just wanna thank you Scott for taking time out of your busy day to sit down for a few minutes and chat with me and just say…
Give some good vibes out there for the people that are dealing with COVID, give them some assurance and say, “Hey you know what, yeah, we’re dealing with some hard times, but you know what, it’s not the end of… Well, so I wanna turn over to you, Scott, kind of tell us a little about yourself, and when you go from there.
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, well, thanks for for having me, I appreciate being on. And I think that these kind of forums, these kind of discussions are really important, because there’s a lot of uncertainty out there and I out people that I’m not sure what’s going on and what’s gonna happen next, especially some of the people worried this is the end of the world, and you know I’ve been around a lot longer.
So we know that come and go, and just really the question is how long it takes to get through it and then the recovery. But we always recover we always need food, we always eat, wear clothes, we always drive cars, so we will get through this, it’ll be painful in the interim. And for the most part of one, everybody just to sort of… They remain optimistic. I think that the pessimism is what is really what’s gonna get it.
The thing to fear is fear itself so we wanna keep people happy, and keep
people engaged and people understand. Hey, this will pass it back for sure.
I’ve seen it, I’ve experienced it teams, a lot at the people get really sort of…
I don’t get really set in motion into a negative Lane, and you gotta get out of it, you gotta just say, “Hey I’m just down. I do what I gotta do, ’cause this too shall pass, so I too appreciate you not. So I may be a business made a marketing I would consider myself one of the marketing side of things I’ve been involved in startup businesses, some brands I’ve been involved with seasoned brands in the fixture I go in and take broken companies and to them around and make them functional and profitable, and growing again.
And I’ve done a the R program and I can say I actually have a formal degree in design, but was Look enough to be a part of a start-up a long time ago that really set me down an entrepreneur path. We started a business called Dragon first optical than joints, we were an action sport. I wear sunglasses. Nog motocross CAO brand, and we were just a bunch of kids starting to garage and we grew the business and eventually sold the thing to Oakley
but it… That was my master’s program, I got in at a school, and we started this business and we ran it and learned the pre-internet, learned marketing after internet and then pre-e-com. And then post I-Com and remember developing the first Conversant that’s sort of my thing.
Scott Sorenson (Cont’d): And it was in aware, so I’ve been in, I work most of my career. As I said earlier, that was a car took over a brand actually series of brands for a big operation, called a foster and only now, FT International, I took over a division of premium brands for them, and Carlos me in one of Andre was an action sport brand than we had licensed her body glove and for Rawlings baseball and so Leo, I wear the premium space.
Did that for a long time with him as well. And just because I know I were I’ve been involved in tech, I was part of the startup that we sold off race funds for schools and help the brand and maintain branding elements at a K-12 level. I took over a business, not too long gunner optics. And, they are specifically for computer use in the blue light space. They’re the “cinerea in the video game in East sports arena, and they were fledgling.
And I do very well came in, turned them around and built a good team, and my team and I built the business back up and made profitable “pataudi and got the back of Arita, and growing again, I, I… So now, what I’m doing now is I’m doing that in helping handful other businesses. I take my entrepreneur spirit and really trying to help businesses flourish and grow and take my learnings and help other people.
Bryan Shue: And what has been the hardest part of being in that space of the entrepreneur space or the business growth or business even like I since goes far as change management has been the hardest thing for
you to deal with, especially in the light of Covid-19, how has that changed your perspective in today in the business world today?

Leadership in the time of COVID-19

Scott Sorenson: Well, I think one of the reasons why you guys have on… And Derek and I get along so well because I’m a big team mate builder, and I believe everybody is as important as the next person in your team, if they aren’t, then as a leader, your church on to coaching to get the place. So for me what the biggest challenge today is I think there is still not a wiiware. There are, but I have experienced it.
There are still leaders that don’t get it, they don’t know how to lead, they don’t know how to lead a team, they’re still a very self-centered and they don’t understand that without your team, you’re nothing, essentially, maybe you’re the steering wheel as the leader, but you still need tires you still need see still the note still need all the things and all the elements see business moving forward. And I think I… Those… My MOS on times that still is lost in the day and on a lot of anger, a lot of people, it’s one of the most practical and most fundamental elements of running a business and be part of it and so that’s a huge one. I run in often, and I untenable that you…
How are you in charge who put you in charge? I mean, less you on… Get your own company you started, but how did you get hired? And you can’t even communicate with your team, your staff, you would have the ability and you don’t get it, that’s a thing that you…
How are you here? Don’t wanna say that strongly. Or knows whether it limitations are and knows how to utilize and hire people that are smarter than them in their respective areas. So you have a the best team, if you know more than your team obviously you’re not doing and are the right people or you think you know more than your team, you’re definitely not doing right?
Bryan: You brought a great point with that Scott of being an effective leader, what would you tell your other fellow leaders out there that might be watching this? What would be a good way to become more effective in these times are so uncertain and you’re having to be away from your people, because I know that’s been a big conversation point is you’re not directly facing is a leader not directly facing people anymore, you’re having to face them like this and it’s like how would you tell them, or what would you give that advice to say, this would make you more effective as a leader?
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, I think the best thing is communication right now. I think everyone is sort of nervous. Your team is nerves, your team is… They don’t know where things are going. I don’t know, there tab, they’re working from home, some of them for the first time ever in their lives, they understand that they need motivation because I quite honestly even me I’m guilty of it, I’m home.
You get per desk, and you take a walk because you’re just not right there in the throes sitting side by side with your team. So for me I think as a strong, a good leader, you need to communicate a lot with your team, and that I mean, I obviously they do a job but just reaching… Hey guys, we just check in make sure you’re good tech sir.
Once in a while, if you have report in or calls have the call, but asking how they’re doing this is I think people are, everyone sort of processes is the these crisis or these events differently, and now we’re at a note of or wrong, it’s just the process differently so that you really need to communicate with them and say is okay.
I’m here too, and I’m working for mating to make sure we keep this boat flowing and moving right direction. Because the guts to write about, I think that getting on… Skype check-in with them and make sure they’re okay and make sure they’re in it. Say I’m trying to micromanage you, from across the city. I’m just trying to check in, make very Okay if you need something, you know I’m here, I’m not in the backyard. Dian. Beer, it to 1130 in the morning.
We’re all working or trying to make this thing happen. So I think that’s missing is you gotta say seeing contact. Don’t just Manish on people, ’cause I think that that’s a tendency every side, I’m leaving it alone. Well, yes, let them be there a job, but let them know you’re there, let them
know you’re still there. ’cause like I said, people get a little nervous and they get worried.
Bryan: And what would you see… You would be if somebody were to say, Scott, what you nervous about and what makes you keep you up maybe at night right now? And how would you cope with that? What would you say to a question like that?

“You gotta stay off social media because you’re gonna read everything…” -Scott Sorenson

Scott Sorenson: Yeah, for me, I’ll tell you I’m being as optimistic about this as possible. I’ve seen a few of these happen, nothing probably the scale. I have to admit I struggle with not falling down the conspiracy theory, the path, you gotta stay of social media because you’re gonna read everything negative or
I think that you have to stay positive. The thing that is helping me stay positive is my family’s home with me, which is create my family a lot, all joking aside. The positive thing for me is I know this will pass people like I said earlier, they have to eat the ACT, they have the drink they have to have clothes, they have to have shoes nor not going back into the Mad Max era. And a reason we drive around trying to skip as linking each other.
The world has the function companies have to sell products, stores have to be open, people have to have job so we looking through it that the only real thought is How long would take… And I think that our government or the governments of the world are trying to do there but they understand that
we can’t fall into the dark ages, so that’s keeping me optimistic. I understand that that’s an analogy I at least to fly out for business, I have it in a couple of years, but you, stuff flattens of bases.
Because I do have friends that are afraid of flying. They can’t be afraid of fine because that would crime. I have to 100 believe that the person flying this airplane wants to get home to their family, also, so they’re not taking a nap. Or getting drunk up there, or flying with their feet, they’re doing their best and that’s all I can really help or… And I, at the everybody has to sort of do their best not to keep us… Give us moving forward.
Bryan: Well said, well said, and I know a lot of people have reached out and
there’s a many different conversation going on a line. If I’m being laying off my comes downsizing, what would you tell somebody that’s going through that right now, at which besides the positive part, what else would you tell them? What kind of advice would you have for those people?
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, I think for one, their jobs will come back in this. I’m taking a whole lot. That’s the hard part is, is holding out, but I think that just being lit off that restaurant that bar that creative services agency that whatever it is, it’ll come back, and it’ll be hired back. People getting laid off is I’m sure their leaders didn’t wanna do it, but they’re trying to preserve their businesses, so it’s not because they weren’t like… So I say “Stay Potter there, but I think that is a good time.
If you have down time to date a LinkedIn put file, look at what else out there, maybe there’s a good time to make a change. I think we reopen again there’ll be opportunity again, and maybe it’s time to make a move, so I can say no. Stay up to missing everybody because I think that following down the pessimistic path at this point it’s just, it’s really gonna not help anyone do this. So I say, “Hey big or stuff. The resume and this isn’t her. update your LinkedIn profile, for sure.
Same contact start communicating with people that you weren’t contacting ’cause you were busy and happy in the job, reach out to some friends think about that you’re looking, but passively put your feelers out there, I think that’s probably the best way to do and stay in contact with your
supervisor, your bosses, your leaders, whatever they are your co-workers also the attacks, whatever it is, just ’cause they’re feeling the same way and there’s no that doesn’t sit there in this along, you’re not nobody’s in A…
So, home, this is a global effort maybe people in in tiny countries and tiny cities in Africa or really experience in this, but the first, Old countries are all feeling is we all feel the pain, we’re all showing down. I friends in every country and they’re out. We’re taking this very seriously, so it’s this is a global thing, and hopefully, this doesn’t… Last long, we got a couple of… A least. Hopefully, I’m optimistic it Yes, me too, in the Tate. We are start ramping up again. So that’s really my hope.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, and what was, you mentioned that connected and staying engaged with people, what’s been your favorite way to do that with this whole self-distance or social distancing. And self-isolation? Well, if you found to be really effective ways to communicate and just be like, “Hey I’m in the same booming be stuck at home and my kids are running be crazy. What have you been able to do the State that social bond with going with your fellow coworkers or your other bosses or even other readers?
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, I pretty much across the board of texting, I’ve been calling, I’ve been emailing I actually for the first time I think in my history, it was like I got a call the Facebook last night, actually, or he come on Facebook, “do it running. And I used so far is a rather a lot of times or so far I wouldn’t let
me do that. So I had a jump over to Chrome and answer the call but I just find a… I never had a call on Facebook, so I linked in and we’re communicating a what if people lots of business connections and friends overseas. I sold lots of friends in China, and so I’ve been heck in with them, I’m saying, ’cause I nonfiction over the years, over there.
Just make sure they’re okay. That’s a hot spot, that’s a hot bed. And I friends in Hong call Al comes in Hardy art also and they’re all staying indoors. The 0 part over there, is there endorses than here, they’re in these tiny little homes, ’cause it’s such a congested city. But I’ve been reaching out to you pretty much every way possible, reach at and all of these things just to get…
Make sure how I’m staying in contact with everybody. The use on the board, and they appreciate it. And if not, they will call you back when they’re away. You get time to zone different set for the most part, everybody’s open to… ’cause they’re curious. Hey, how are you doing, how are you doing? We’re doing good, we’re hiding we’re fine. So luckily and my entire household is still healthy and every day that passes, I figured we’re pretty safe from this, just because I said It’s a 14 to a patient.
I have an over 14 days, at least, and I’m the than going to pick up a groceries or pick up food and done a few because I’m really good at actually a friend of ours, a team said, “Hey one of our favorite restaurants here where I live. So they’re doing pick up and take away I said, “Why don’t we do this? It’s good on her, and take away and we’ll do a little parking lot picnic behind the restaurant or in at the restaurant and we’ll say six feet away and we’ll have a little get together there so we can talk to each other, ’cause obviously the skin or crazy, Elaine also…
Scott Sorenson (Cont’d): And so he did that. I don’t know for the first I ever do something like that, but we did it and I mean, yeah, that’s unique because a lot of people probably don’t think about, “Hey this call. Some friends, is all order. Take out from our favorite spot, and then just sit in a parking lot together in our cars and eat our food together as if we were singing a restaurant and just enjoy that company, and that was a… To that. So that fellowship moment…
So that’s kind of cool. You read that with your friends, and I had others kinda take that head and be like, “You know what, I can do that, too, ’cause I think that would be really cool to start seeing. Ran all these cars just singing the parking like in grinders to get to be like, Hey, I don’t know you, but I see what you’re eating it, I really like that and that’s my favorite dish to… So I guess the biggest part, take away that we should be thinking about how we can we build more meaningful relationships through social distancing.
And that’s in the Parker love of a restaurant in your dinner, your friend will somebody next to is doing the same thing, Brown, that window and be like, “Hey what are you eating the… Exactly, and I think that one of the positives of these, I hope visit, we start respecting each other and a little more. We have these lips and history that give us a good gut check, and I hope this is one of the positives out. This is one in my family, so like I said before, I have a…
One of my kids home from college and hanging out with us, which has been great ’cause we don’t see great often. And then I have one at home. Yeah, she still now, but most were going on walks together. And I’m hoping that this… We’re not to get political, but I think as a country, we’re very separated, we need to get back to not being separated and hopefully this is that that gap Bridge to help us all get back on the same page or at least in the same book. Yeah, that’s a good start, at least were read in the same book, we can… We got “tappers read together too, at some point. Right, right, the tail.
Bryan Shue: Then what’s your passion projects, you’ve been able to work on since you’ve been at home more with your family, or what passion project is your family actually working on recently?

Wife, kids, and life

Scott Sorenson: Yeah, so I’ll tell you my kids are doing, they work a lot and my wife is a school teacher and so she’s been doing less her for that, the elementary, all people, so yeah, I…
So she’s doing lessons, online, and I think that it’s been interesting to watch that process for me as in not doing education. Watching her do her class, Alina watching her light up, she is recording lessons that their students will see it on… That’s been elites in… So I think that that’s been kind of fun, to wise for me, for me, I don’t know many people know this out in Indian, but I’m a an avid artist and illustrator, and so that’s just my creative background and so I’m actually in the process of
This is my shameless plug, by the way, I’m gonna start a… I been wanting to this for a long time, but I’m to start a parallel accessory direct consumer bit brand that is focusing on the nerd-core which is the e-sports game or the kid tacos comecon the person who love Star Wars, more than they love other humans because it’s very industry market. And that’s one of my passions I love that sort of nerdy, CII and I consider myself sort of a or action in class a nerd and I, and I enjoy this kind of program.
So, I’m gonna finally get this about the ground and launch this Dr. sumer business. That’s one of them, another one I’m working actually it seems the last C has happened is I’ve been working even harder than previously, I’m working with a health and wellness company that… And less LOC but other product’s called effect.
And I am also a part of a business called lasso what you tease patented technology of one compression where a primarily a socks and other compassion for athletes, but also medical uses and for health recovery and they have this new technology that the founder CEO just developed and is long and so I’ve been helping them as well and I have another project in the e-sports arena, as well so quite a things happening.
So I was so has gotten busier, which seems weird but the… I have those and I’m enjoying my wife is so pressured with me saying, “Hey you’re home, but you’re working more now. And I say, “I know, I just, I have a lot of these projects that are I think people are taking, they have this break, so they’re actually using this time and effort to ramp up.
Bryan Shue: So those back to that. So, what series are you seeing with this, all this ramping up that you’re doing on the global and even do the way down to your local community, what kind of super lines are you gonna see from this and what kind of impacts will be able to take away from that?
Scott Sorenson: well, hopefully we diversify our manufacturing outside of just one country in the world, some of the… Do we bring some home? We bring some to other countries, so in business, we talk about not having all your eggs in one basket, but unfortunately, this is really shown us that having all or Eilat is… Not beneficial. It’s weird. I had dinner with a friend who worked for a company that does the testing equipment for co-one of them, and he said, this is before I got out, control, this is probably a month and a half.
And he, he said it, that maybe a month ago that the problem has been that one of the elements in the testing equipment is being made-Ly facades, a China and they shut down and so they were struggling to get that particular component to build enough testing units for all, for the growing issue. This is before we were a dinner somewhere before it became a big issue. So hopefully, this makes a change there and help us spread that manufacture. So were lining the… We gotta learn for these. I think everything is at a learning or a teaching moment, and that’s how I roll.
Hey, what happened here? How can we make this better, how do we fix it from everything from reporting to development, to having people in a home? I think that this will show about a companies, it looking can work. We’re all doing it now, and maybe it’s not as efficient as some people want. Those are the micro managers of the world, that they’re rating up there and some jobs in some Aries.
I think it’s critically together, but I’ll also think that this will show that A… We go for remote working for a month, we can do it as a country, as a world. Because I think everyone’s going through this, everyone’s working from home right now, and trying to get things now. So, I remote working is something that some of these traditional companies are afraid of, and hopefully this was train them or teach them that it’s not necessarily about that kind of the thing.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, no, it absolutely is. I think that’s an interesting concept now for us to go into this new world of remote work, and work from home and even now, dating from home and being able to show that the value is still there, even though I’m not saying directly across from you or you’re not saying directly, cross me or we’re not seeing the same office room, we can still communicate because still get our work done, and we can do it effectively, because we’re not having to spend it out under a driving to him from work.
Well that’s now two hours. You’re commuting for some areas, you’re not having those things in office for eight hours, so there’s 10 hours out of your day. You’re not having to think about what am I gonna cook for dinner, ’cause guess like our home so I just kind of easily playing that so you’re spending more time with your family, you’re being more well-balanced that somebody brought up to me today is like not work-like balance work life
blending and how we’re lending that in a more effective manner.
And so that’s gonna be an interesting topic as we continue through this path of being quarantined and being self-isolated and all that is how we be able to effectively blend those two together. And what organizations are going
to be pushing their leadership to a blended society? Let’s be honest, when you’re working for an organization, you’re part of the society.
How we able to effectively merge your personal, in your professional together will be an interesting topic, and I think it will bring to life a lot of the thought leaders that are out. They were saying, “Hey I’ve been preaching this for a while. Why people listen to me and people will start realizing it’s not about how many checks, how many boxes you can check off for being the right applicant is how many skills can you bring to the table to support an organization or as effective communicator? Do you have emotional intelligence?
Are you able to build those relationships effectively and those relationships can you actually walk into the CEO’S of is to be like, “Hey listen, this wrong is wrong. This role in this room, this wrong and these are five reasons box. And he’s not gonna be like… Oh, well, you’re wrong and stepping golf, you’re fired is, “Hey I agree with these things, I’ve actually seen. No, I’m glad you’re nothing to me ’cause it’s more than just a guess me, in my ear. It’s actually things…
These are changes we can make, and begin more effective organization. Or how are you able to get back to your community during these times, though? And that’s a big question for a lot of this, ’cause we’re like, We wanna… Do you wanna volunteer? How are you able to do that right now, are you? What organization are you working with right now?

Helping the community

Scott Sorenson: Yeah, so personally that’s a good question. I really have. It’s done much person. But with both of the organizations I’m working with the Lasso, and effect. We are offering everything this, we have this discussion and I said, On a joint, we try to profit off of this. Are we trying to truly help?
So those are two things you have to… To profit and get it, make this one. You can do that by truly helping and so potty wanna truly… So, effect is offering 50% off pretty much every cross the port no questions to ask things at price. Do we get out of this? And that just really to help them help the world. And I look, I do a health ones, product to stay healthy, keep your in strong as is
doing the same thing they’re offering?
What they’re doing is really creative and clever. They’re offering a or are one of their compression garments, and so sold. They are giving one to a medical professional. So these hospital workers were on her feet all day. Nurses, doctors, all the healthcare professionals. We’re gonna send them out to numerous hosts across the country just to help them. This is just, this is a help. “rito no-cost you, you no charge to you.
Scott Sorenson (Cont’d): No, they love them and they wanna buy more, that’s great, but the first one, they’re gonna send them out for every one, we sell a one-for-one product, just to help her it out. And so, those are true Gibbs versus trying to… It’s fine, I still seeing all the digital advertising or by by E-Should a really, such a Curtis much at… I don’t know if that’s the smartest move at this time, but I also got a bunch of, I would say, almost insane here. Oh, in these trying times we’re trying to send our employees home. I don’t know how effective those have been, and I had a… They said it effective is…
Did you really wanna help, don’t maybe turn off your, your, I don’t know, your self-proclaimed hierarchy or whatever it is and help your employees. You would say We were Tustin business years. We’re trying to find ways around things, so I don’t have to lay people, I don’t have to do things in that manner. So we can keep the economy forward, and maybe Hey everyone’s take the CEO is taking no pay, and close it out, those are things go. One of our business is the leadership crew.
We we were running out of capital and it was a start-up, and we took no pay for a year. I think that’s the first step, as a good leader is like, “Hey I’m not gonna… My team needs to eat, and I need them to be here. So, first thing I would do is I am going to… We’re gonna take a cut first. You don’t cut your team first. That makes sense, I think that’s sort of that a big one that I… It also shows you as well, so being that leader, sticking a saying, “What kind of sacrifices can I make to help my theme be successful? Swear I think other leaders that are watching this need to be…
We take to him saying, “What can I do to make sure my team is still successful even if that means me maybe taking a pay cut for a temporary bit or me not taking pay it all me doing something for them to make sure they’re like, “Hey I get it were… This is a struggling time for every one, budget. I’m struggling right with you, I’m right down there, I’m not in some top I’m so pesto in some beautiful CASS on the Hill that you can’t touch. Hey, I’m right here. I’m not in the streets in… And I think that will go a long way and reassuring people that hey, their jobs are saved their organizations are safe.
Because I think that can really lead to a lot attention is you don’t know if your company might go under during this time, but you see the leadership taking action taking the initiative on that kind of stuff. I think that will go… And build a lot, trust from your employees and or Let’s just how it… What they are team the first so… And that’s also another change in, I think we’re starting to see is people are not employees, anymore, their team members to they’re kind of the team, they’re part of the… What
makes your organization great, is the people that work inside the…
Hopefully, we’ll see some more that mindset change. And that’s also what… As a veteran myself, that’s what I preach a lot of… Is that when you hire one of us, you’re hiring a mindset, you’re hiring a leader that has been trained in some of the most difficult and austere environments.
Bryan Shue: For me, being quarantined has been, I don’t wanna call it greatest although I love being at home, and I work from home now, but not having the deal. And my girlfriend now works from home too. So having us being able to be around each other more, it’s been fantastic because it’s allowed us to just connect deeper on that.
We as a human and again, even the other people watching hoping you’re taking that time taking the advantage to build the deeper relationships ’cause I think we get so call it Bower, that it’s like, “Oh I got my work life and I have my whole life and… Well, now, those are… Can you grow together and it’s like, “oh my God, how you don’t know how to read, but how to react this same.
Dogs and Craft Beer fans
Scott Sorenson: Hey, swing. You come sit with me or on the Zoom call with my boss or how you, I don’t he’s sitting right here, let me put them. So, hey look, everybody my dog is here. So yeah, so having that human element I think is fantastic, and I know I love it when people are like, “Hey my kid is so to say here, and I’m like, Right haven’t it? ’cause I think that shows who you
are more so than just you talking about… Oh, we do all the great things. My company is doing it, look at all the profits I’ve learned. And because it’s not about that, it’s about you as the human more than you as a professional per se. So and I see you’ve got a brewery shirt, which I love bees, I lost,
Bryan Shue: I’m a craft beer fan myself, I’m in Atlanta, so we have a lot of great from your care in the Atlanta area. I know I have a fridge full of good beer, so I’m gonna be able to crack o them later. But I think that’s also part of who we are as people is be able to show that humanize of us, and I think this is for me, starting this program has been able to open up my mind to world out there and doing great things like yourself. And so the others are joining this show with myself in Kirsten Larson it’s fantastic. And I encourage other organizations to take a look at. Where are you trying to go after everything is said Done? You wanna go back… How all his husband… ’cause you know what? Maybe that’s not the best way.
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, maybe doing this new way could be fantastic. It actually encourage your team members to show more loyalty to you, and to be like, “You know what, I wanna stay here long-term, because I think that’s also a God, this used to is, Hey, every two years I needed to switch jobs. Why you want, switch you out actually I like where you’re at.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, I think that that’s how you forge deeper relationships when you go through challenges. This is the latest challenge, you forge deeper relationship with your team. And they understand, they see how you react to challenges, and you see the conversation I on things are what encourage Lees set send emails out periodically to all your team just saying what you’re doing to help fight this so they understand. Hey, this is all to the challenge.
Obviously, these are the things were to implementing playing place, just so you’re aware and keep are on a top of mind, you guys update what’s happening here, so what you to know what we’re doing, we’re not just sitting on and laughing at you because first I… As they take it here at home, you… We’re trying to keep everybody tuned in to
understand what’s happening. I think that’s the biggest thing is just communication. You just got to keep everybody connected. It’s the not knowing.
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, absolutely, and I think that’s also allowing us to grow as professionals as well. When I, when I talked to my veteran can U-deal love is sort on that. How do we communicate, how do we communicate is by what we’re talking about on our social media profiles like LinkedIn, is What’s your LinkedIn profile? It if you’re trying to be a Lola.
Was your professional brand saying about you, and how when you’re combat professional brands, you’re not having to worry about it. For my
personal brand like… And branding has been a huge topic for a lot of us now and I think that’s an interesting conversation point because we’re now showing more of who we are as people versus who we are as professionals especially when we’re all working from home.
You that get to see… Oh, let’s look what’s behind him and what… But who’s coming into is really who’s a say-Hey you by doing, you come in here, having those kind of awkward moments, yeah, you’re realizing who these people really are outside that nine-to-five person you’ve typically seen in your office or seeing the cubicle next to you. So having those funny moments, and those awkward moments, maybe even it’s kind of fun and it’s kind of like, “Hey that actually means he’s a human actually, yes, feelings. He’s not a robot he actually is a person.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, yes, absolutely. So for me, I think it’s great, I’m loving this conversation, I love that people are willing to jump on this and jump on this lockdown series because it is such an insightful insightful perspective of people and a lot of these are people we would never traditionally meet
now, so that’s what I would probably never met you, Scott. But a year, we are in a… I’m like, Man, I need to maybe get together, and maybe so some beers one day and see… Let’s have a face off between the California Georgia beers.
Scott Sorenson: Yeah, yeah, no, I…I’m no fan. California beers. I don’t know what is, but whenever there’s some LA bears I’m trying to, I’ve been just really begging people to sin, but they just feel like, “Ah I can’t get on, I’m like, “Oh man, I really want to, but I have some great in LA once I know I’ve shared with a few people and they’re like, “What we’re doing some cool stuff in the South, I’m like… Well, that’s the creative nature of who we are is, and that’s also what this is about is, so your creative side.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, don’t be afraid to talk about what you like to do because that’s what we should be doing and we are… We are creative, creatures by… Just by design. So, I just wanna thank you Scott for your time today, it’s been fantastic and I, I hope you have a great week and how your family stays healthy and say, during this time and let’s have a useful conversation let’s keep this conversation going. Where can people connect with you to further a discussion?
Scott Sorenson: I would say are of the best places. LinkedIn, I’m pretty active on there. Probably, I’d like to be more but there’s only so many hours a day, but I did probably the best place and my line in-profit will probably be in this interview, but I think it centers out Pearce and that’s a good one.
I said back to my artist thing if you wanted to see more about the art thing. Shameless land again I, I love it, I love it. My one is silicon and I say skeleton base, which the cam at. It’s sort of my art tag name, and that’s my little fun project I’ve been doing so that’s… Yeah, and I met I’m a cause with nerd, so I, I’m all about the Star Wars and that kind of stuff, so I’m the big fans that you very kind of like I need to take this out.
Bryan Shue: Yeah, I too… But as we wrap this up today, what inspiring message would you have for the people that are gonna watch this?

Scott Sorenson’s inspiring message

Scott Sorenson: Yeah, I think just to reiterate the stay positive, I think this will pass, it’s gonna pass and we just have to be optimistic that it’s been past quick for me to pass on to the rest of the people out there is to just hold tight, don’t panic, don’t go out and buy a 2000… A car right now, or whatever it is, just we’re cruising we’re on the freeway, we were going for speed. Hey, we’re in a traffic right now, we’re slowing down. Just be cautious, and… But the optimistic that this will break up and we’ll move forward to get you can’t.
Well, and it’s easy, by the way, be at home, especially if you’re alone. So if you’re secluded in your own place things can get you get probably a little bit more. I see, ’cause you have anybody else to bouncing off of. I think that I’m lucky I e-my wife and my son here and you have your girlfriend there, so it keeps it easy. So you have someone to talk to you, to have lunch. We have dinner at breakfast, we sit in the back yard with… If you’re alone, it’s just… So make sure you’re having… So, calls get using calls on and talk to your friends in the places you have… You’re basically have the same thoughts and so stay positive, and enjoy this time. Really. They say that. Hey, enjoy the time. Let’s do art because I’m nervous. And it will pass it will pass.
Bryan Shue: No, those are great points. I think that’s also fantastic. You keep on rearing the positivity part of this, ’cause so many people have gotten down and out about this and that’s also part of what we’re doing here. We don’t want you to feel down and out we want you to be like, “Hey you know what, in the world isn’t here yet.
We’re still living, we’re still enjoying this life and we’re just still a lot to do things to be done here, so I love it. And I thank you so much for your time, Scott, today, and I look forward to maybe again, sharing that bear with you. Even if it’s all Zoom, I try to do it as a, in your to do it. Well, I do cheers. One, I do a virtual happy hour, one day maybe and we’ll see what I beers at. We can pull of each…  At the fridges and see what comes out and see who has the better one, as a…
Scott Sorenson: That I do, that’s the kind of things that we should be in coding. Like our little part to a picnic is how do we do some zoom into happy hours? A little a, a friend of mine, he’s a DJ, and at home, and so he does, he’s been doing live DJ, mixes for hours on Facebook. And I just said This is the best thing ever. I can’t listen to for hours because I have, I like to do, but I love it. I love that he gets on, and he and his kids are walking around and he’s sending him and playing uses a…
Hey, so he said I’m a official Fridays at whatever time, join me on Facebook, and I will be playing to music, I go “That’s really cool. That is now that I love, that’s fantastic, and that’s creativity, is fine. So I think that’s… If you’re creative, this is something for you to really log on to and really kinda build something, a special round.
So I’m glad you shared that with the… We’ll probably have to get some information from you about that so we can share to our audience. ’cause I’m a music to Grant, I can’t hear very well. ’cause the Army did that in, to not have music. I do like Los to, I gonna to my head phones on and how I turn it up and I’m gonna enjoy it. 
Bryan Shue: No, I think that’s it on the fan already. So Scott, thank you so much for your time today, man, I’m gonna let you get off of here and spend some time with those beautiful that be a family yours. And we’ll have another chat at some point in the future? So take care of yourself a well hey, you know what, it’s Friday, so I have a good weekend.
Scott Sorenson: You too, it yeah, thanks, Bryan, make sure. Okay, so you do thank you.
Scott Sorenson
Scott Sorenson’s LinkedIn profile:

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