COVID-19: Lockdown with Thought Leader Caleb K. Coy

Caleb K. Coy transcript by Scribie

Bryan Shue: So I start off a thank you so much for answering my call to action. And there is coloration recently about everything is going on right now and I really appreciate you spending some time with me this warning to talk about yourself and your organization, and let’s been going on with you the whole covering roscrea. And also just share some positive lives for people ’cause I, I… So you’d be stressed out right now, so I’m gonna turn over to you and just go in. Tell me… Tell us about yourself man.

Caleb K. Coy: Well, thanks so much Bryan, I really, really appreciate this opportunity to be on here get to know you guys. Of course, Derek, such a great guy. From the first time we connected on LinkedIn, I could tell he had a big heart and had his head on straight. So my name’s Caleb kid, and I have a history of working as a life coach, and counselor in the entertainment industry. I spent a significant port of my life working with various non-profit organizations, churches, ministries, outreaches.

Caleb K. Coy: When I lived in the Atlanta area we used to feed 40 to 500 homeless men, women, and children every month. So I, I’m no stranger to humanity struggles in adversities ’cause I had my own which nearly ended, in my death 17 years old to a near math overdose, and so my ambitions to become a rock star as a younger changed dramatically because I had an experience I had an encounter in the hospital and I knew I had been given a second chance, I knew that there was divine intervention, there, and so my life perspective changed dramatically, and I knew I was put on this earth to serve others.

Caleb K. Coy: And so by the time I was 19, I was clean, I had my head on straight I knew what my purposeand my mission was Brian and that was to help serve humanity and I spent a long time doing that relentlessly for years and years. Like I said, just volunteering my time and resources.

Caleb K. Coy: I think that experience did something in me as far as confronting fear ’cause when you stare death inthe face I think it deals with a lot of those fear issues that we have and being in an industry that, I mean, in estate planning, I do a lot as a legacy consultant that addresses people’s mortality, and addresses their money, right?It is two of the most sensitive issues in people’s lives, and that’s not easy at times there’s a very positive aspect for a situation or a crisis like this for me because it’s gonna force people to address their mortality their humanity.

Caleb K. Coy : And I think, Derek would vouch for this too. Being on LinkedIn, there’s a of everybody working hard, to pry and position themselves for success or exposure. And while I want everybody to be successful and financially independent at the same time, there’s no escaping the fact that eventually all of our time cards are gonna punch out.And so when you’ve got death staring you in the face, it gives you an opportunity to deal with that.

Caleb K. Coy : And I can share family members that was spent years dealing with who didn’t want address the death issue. And I, I, me close to a decade for one family member to convince them they needed to get their ducks in order to get a trust set up to protect their family from probate, and be able to smooth that transition over. And so it’s not something that’s new to me, I kind of actually thrive in this type of environment when I was out on the street. I mean, we’re talking in a middle of the night down on PEACH Street at La gang-bangers drug addicts. I was right there with them, loving on them hugging on him.

Caleb K. Coy : We used to go to New Orleans during Mardi GRA, and just love on Panther was no fear in that. And yeah, when I started out, I was a single guy, right? Nothing to Lose now, I’m a married man with children.I think about it differently, but I still don’t have that fear. Bryan, I’m such an advocate my DNA, is that of a warrior, spirit. And so I started using this hashtag here recently on social rise up.’cause that’s just…

Caleb K. Coy: You can feel my passion, I’m just like, Man, now is a greatest time for humanity to rise up. Find their courage, find their purpose confront their fears and just start living life to the fullest. I don’t think this is the end, I don’t think it’s “armiger apocalypse yet, but I think this is a major reset on a global scale.But again, just like history has always showed us whether it be to 08 1929s Great Depression, if we will rise above it, there’s opportunity everywhere to thrive, to grow, and even to prosper in the time.

Bryan Shue: That makes me really… You really covered a lot, and that was a lot of what I was going to ask you, so that you… Like me, my job is, which easier? So all my God, like this is incredible. I hope our audience start taking some of those ideas used to you out there to help implement their own lives and it’s their own businesses or into their own professional careers and to hit on the industries you’rein and why that organization, I think that’s really important that we really…

I think for you, especially you found that in… And I think that’s a huge part of what makes a successful… We find that line, we understand what that wide drives us to do into… During this time, I know you, you had a little bit on this, what’s changed for you since this whole covid ’19 outbreak happened?

Caleb K. Coy: I realized once again that this is a time and a season and the term I like to use is progressive adaptation. I’m just a huge advocate of a progressive growth in general, whether that be spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, business-wise, I don’t think is human beings. We should ever stop learning, a growing. And my story is pretty unique Bryan in the sense that I didn’t go to college for finance I didn’t go to college period.

Caleb K. Coy: I am a self-taught entrepreneur and again, coming from a family with a background, of poverty mindsets and mentalities Dewar due, it took me 35 years to break out of that stuff and it’s no easy task, so, I relate, I have deep empathy and compassion for people who have come out of that because it’s not easy, you have to work hard to shatter those paradigms and those mindsets. And so for me, it was a lot of reading.

Caleb K. Coy: I’ll never forget the first time I read Napoleon Hill, ‘think and Grow Rich’ it’s like, “Oh the choirs of Heaven are singing in just your mind starts going, “Wait a minute.There really is a principle and a foundation for success that anyone can find if they will apply it, again, we hear that we’re in this Knowledge evolution. And what was the term? I heard Tony Robbins and Dean grasses using the other day knowledge knowledge, help me out here, talk on it orthere the bee.

Caleb K. Coy: Not knowledge, a Knowledge Brokers Knowledge Brokers. And I’m like, No, that’s so cool. And it has a lot of appeal to it, but again, knowledge is without the proper application or it doesn’t mean anything. You have a bunch of head knowledge up here. For me that’s wisdom that wisdom is essentially applied knowledge until you start applying what you learn and not to your life. It doesn’t produce fruit, it doesn’t produce growth.

Caleb K. Coy: And so for me, it’s a constant process of applying that knowledge. And so that shifted a lot for me. Now in this time and again, I’m so grateful because I had begun positioning myself now one thing I decided after years, and growing up, right, I was a grunt worker. And it, I love doing landscaping. I worked for the Union, for IDW, underground construction.

Caleb K. Coy: We’re talking 10 hours a day out there inthe prairies of Illinois, and we’d drive like two hours one way, and I’m digging holes, hey, no trees for shade right there and no break from the son and literally Brian when we would get in those trucks at the end of the day, you couldn’t turn on the AC because it would just wipe you out.So we just, we drive around with the windows down if we had to change locations.

Caleb K. Coy: And again, I’m so grateful that I established that hard work ethic and character but as I got older, I eventually said, “You know what? I do, I don’t wanna spend my life doing hard labor. I wanna find a way to create passive income streams, right?And a lot of people said, “Well you can’t just be lazy, you gotta put in the word blah, blah, blah. AndI agree with all that, but you can look at Robert kids’ sake Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Again, there’s these mindsets you can work for your money or you can get your money to work for you.

Caleb K. Coy: So one of the things that is kind of new to our business in my current situation and the estate planning side of things, is we take our clients to this proprietary process. Number one, it we wanna get people to understand. You do not wanna go through probate, you don’t wanna go to that painful public process in there. Essentially everybody in their grandma knows what’s going on.

Caleb K. Coy: Attorneys are getting a piece of the pie, everybody wants a piece of the pie. It can be publicly contested. So number one, get people out of probate protect their assets protect 40% of their estate that would essentially be lost in that process. And then take them through this process. And so what we’ve done, Bryan, is we leverage technology over three decades, we built out a basically a de-Giles Tate planning platform that just simplifies things and allows people to set up about 90% of their estate in 90 minutes and that’s really just unheard of and it gives the client control through their secure client Council, they can make updates and changes in real time.

Caleb K Coy: Click that button with verified e-signaturetechnology that’s relevant in all 50 states and best of all, the electronic funding kit, which essentiallyfunding a trust means that you assign your assets to the trust And we found that a lot of the state planning attorneys weren’t helping their clients to do that so we embedded attorneys into the processor one of our Chief Counsel attorneys was formally a probate attorney and she found out about us and she was just like, whoa, I got to a place where my conscience, I couldn’t do it anymore, I couldn’t do her.

Caleb K. Coy: The suffering, the horror and the taking advantage of family as I want on board withwhat you guys are due doing. So, she loves it.I embedded the attorneys in there. They have a small feeder as well and allowed us the cost of getting a trust by more than half and allows the clients to have access to a whole team of specialists.So once we’ve done that, we funded their trust, they’re secure, they’re protected, then included in that cost we take them to tax mitigation strategies, we help them to divorce the IRA.

Caleb K. Coy: Oh, and again, that’s a term Bryan, right? People go. What is that legal Caleb?Yeah, not only is it legal, but we’ve got a way to do it.

Caleb K. Coy:One of our specialists is a Harvard grad 23 year veteran in the industry. He wrote an algorithm and I’m saying all this, ’cause I wanna lead up into the power of AI, and modern proprietary software, sowe take folks through that process, we’re able to look at what they’ve got, how can we mitigate your taxes?

Caleb K. Coy: Resent one client. I just move some stuff around. We shifted a standard iron to a Rob iron in like five years. He’s totally tax-free in his retirement and his wife, umm, was diagnosed with Parkinson so dude.Oh, that makes my heart so happy so grateful. Then we go. Okay, what kind of life insurance and annuity options can we put you in? That can also help to grow your state, ’cause people are living longer and a lot of folks are afraid about outliving their money.And so, we’ve stopped me at any time here.

Caleb: I know I’m I’m just get going going but I’m just so passionate about this. ’cause again, it’s like we’ve got a team of people that not only are they faith-based folks, but they’re so philanthropic ally-minded and oriented. And a couple of years ago, we launched our charitable cause, and marketing program, and this is so near and dear to my heart, ’cause one of my prayers was okay. There’s gotta be a better way to bake sales and car washes, to raise money ’cause so many organizations, they’re doing amazing things they’re getting back, it’s blood, sweat, and tears, and it’s ‘go fund me’ accounts or whatever, you just… You’ve gotta give to my outreach because I’m doing good things and I get that, but everybody’s being bombarded with that.

Caleb K. Coy’s Nonprofit

Caleb K. Coy: So we said We’ve gotta provide a way a solution, if you will. So now the platform allows us to help non-profits raise funding at no cost and no contract to the organization and we provide the back office to process their donations and love gifts, using chair of a remainder trust. A whole plethora of things right?But what it does is it positions them in a place to get before large donors and receive large plan giftsthat they would have never been able… Before to do so that…

Bryan Shue: That’s a huge thing, especially nowadays. And that’s actually a topic I want ’cause a little bit later on, but you’re saying on this topic of giving back and that’s kind of one thing that we really have really neglected recently, is getting back to K and now that we’re in the spot of quoting for a lot of us, and we’re kind of seeing their homes like what do we do? There’s organizations out there you can give to whether it’s financial, time, energy, whatever let’s waters to electronically.I think that’s a huge turning point in our society ’cause it’s not just you just giving 0 to some dog shot or is you’ve given 20 because they need to feed these do and you’re actually seeing that good will being paid back.

Yeah, and you’re actually like, Wow, that’s actually really just really cool. I like it because if the other day is… We do realize we’re all humans around this together, so why don’t we make this live itmatter for everybody instead of just sitting in our house is being… Well this I can’t do anything. Youcan, there’s ways to do it. Here’s some people that can help guide that conversation for you.

I have a really interesting question is, what advice could you get to somebody that is Kale I’ve been laid off. What do I do a who, “What should I do, how should I get through this, what should I tell my family that like, hey, that doesn’t have a job anymore, I don’t have a job.What would you tell for me that’s in that situation then?

WWCKCD: What Would Caleb K. Coy Do?

That’s a great question, Bryan. Number one,I would start off by saying don’t let the fear take hold of you because fear will pay paralyze you, it will paralyze you from taking action and it will paralyze your thought processes. So if we can start by rising above that fear and the human mind is just so powerful because even in survival mode if we don’t let fear take control, we’ll start looking for and automatically creating solutions to find a way to get us out of that mode.

Caleb K. Coy: And so, again, I know that their solutions are out there, and as much as I can see the benefit of a government stimulus, we don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen.

Caleb K Coy: One of the things that I’m advocating right now for is “utilizing AI technology, and proprietary software to help people grow their income.We recently partnered with an organization that’s been around since 2009, the founders are a group of expert traders stock market wealth finance guys, and one of the Founders was the creator of the software and technology for her came tracking smart guys, right? can predict where these things aregonna go.

Well, we’ve also come to realize that markets can be predicted as well and so we’re looking at billions and billions of dollars and losses in the stock market, but this particular company is still paying out. You’re ready for this Priory ready?Not 5% not 6% not 7%. Now, I’m a life insurance and annuity guy. And if the market’s doing well, and we put people in a SNP 500 annuity they’re making 12 or 13%, and that’s really good, right, that’s really good, but that’s about the best you’ll ever see.These guys are paying out 20%, the accounts are FDIC and NCUA guaranteed by thank of America,Chase, Wells Fargo. And Navy Federal Credit Union, and in the midst of this tank, it has not affected them.So through a combination of blockchain crypto stocks basically, they were able to mitigate all of thelosses because there’s so many different ways that this technology think about this.

Caleb K. Coy: An AI computer, I’m sorry, a super computer that costs them. 15 million is powering two AI computers, they’re working with test low, they’re working with IBM, they’re working with more major companies and corporations that I can name but that’s huge to me. And somebody can get in at 20% for 1000 bucks or if they’ve only got a little bit of cash flow, 50 bucks a month, they can get 15%.

So, I’m always encouraging people. And I’m about to launch this out on a whole new scale, right, and start doing webinars and everything to share about this because I go… This is a perfect example of how regardless of what the market’s doing, or recession and again, these are protected accounts.

Now, I’m an angel investor. I got my feet doing stupid stuff because it was recommended to me by afamily member, right?My first big loss was significant in the oil and gas industry.And I was so naive back then, Brian.But what that did for me is it it, put some fortitude of me right? It built some rhino hide skin in me that made me confront that fear ’cause it was like, Okay, either I’m gonna be afraid and I’m never gonna invest again or I’m gonna rise above it, I’m gonna take courage, but I’m gonna get smarter.

Caleb K Coy: So I’ve been down the road of speculate investing and high-risk investing and I don’t encourage people to do that, I encourage people to get into investments, especially if they’re starting out that are safe, secure and have some degree of guarantee it. So again, this is a perfect example for opportunity times for people, we begin in while they’re waiting, right? Don’t… Again, here’s a time. It would be easy for people to hoard their savings, right?

Let’s go to the banks Let’s take everything out. Let’s hider cash under the mattress let’s you know, it’s digging in and ground.And I’m thinking of this guy named Chris who taught a parable about three people and one of the guys went out and multiplied the money and another one of the guys went and hid it in the ground and the steward was like, “You didn’t make a good choice pole, I gave you this money!

Caleb K. Coy: To go out and multiply it and produce it. So to me that’s a principle of natural law, that we should always be taking what we have and find ways to grow and multiply. It hiding out your money under a mattressagain. And again, I’m a huge advocate of saving right have some type of savings, but say so that youcan invest it saved so that you can grow and multiply it. And do, I’m gonna stop for a minute ’cause you can tell I’m just so fired on a glass love about…

So I, I’m glad you’re sharing all this because this is a different perspective than most people here, because especially when you’re a professional in your career or they’re like “Hey here’s your 400K, here’s this, retirement here’s this investment account here’s all the things you can do with your right, but they don’t tell you everything you can do with your money. And I, I, I, I just cause you to positive like I just…

Caleb K. Coy: Everything I could do, maybe not, but in Deer. I wanna ask you, when you’re looking around your other thought leaders inside this industry, and just in general, what you… What would you define an effective leader, especially during this time period, because there is so much tortures so much he…

What would tell that effectively Ollie to… That’s a great question, Ryan. I would say I’m looking for… And I’m a huge advocate of character and I had this combo yesterday with the guy, we were in a class togetherand these guitars from very, very well-known country artists Kieron and Carrie Underwood, so we had a similar background and working in the entertainment industry and I said to him,

Caleb K. Coy: I said, havinglife coach in the entertainment industry, it gave me some real perspective about people can have Uber talent and gifting, but who they are on stage and who their real character is behind the stage, could be night and day different. And so for me, I’m not the kind of person who believes we should put other human beings on a pedestal and worship them. I’m just not…

We can appreciate gifting, and talent for me, I’m looking for people’s character, I admire people who have true character and integrity so I’m looking for leaders who lead with empathy, who lead with compassion and we have boldness but at the same time, they have a sense of humility and that type of humility as teach-ability.And I always like to say this, if we’re humble people were teachable major a 100% teachable and are…I’m always learning and growing from others, I’m always looking for a way as I can learn and grow.

Caleb K. Coy: So I think there has to be that character and that integrity there, and sometimes that’s only forged in the furnace of affliction. You’re not innately born with that, right? You have to acquire that. Sometimes it’s like trust, right? It has to be earned respect has to be earned.So I think there’s a lot of people who have a lot of talent, or they have an ability or they’ve been positioned to make a lot of money, but it doesn’t mean the character is there to back and sustain that.

And again, while I’m all about people becoming financially independent, becoming wealthy to better serve humanity. I am absolutely convinced Bryan, that there is a character forming process in that. The requirements are that you… You’re a good steward that you’re faithful, and the little things before, you couldn’t really be entrusted with a lot more. And so, if you’re somebody Dumont and influence and power is always gonna bring to the surface what’s really inside a person, it just is mean it’s inevitable.

So I hear people all the time, “I wanna get rich, ’cause I wanna give all this away, and do this and do that. And then they win the lottery, and they go blow it all on themselves in a couple of years later they’re completely broke in, right, because there was no change in the mindset there was no character development, that’s forged, in them and it’s an epic responsibility to be able to handle that. There’s a lot of pressure.

Caleb K. Coy: And again, one of the things that I’ve been an advocate of for years now, I’ve been a student of studying international law. How it pertains to the right of self-determination. And dude, I mean it’s been so eye-opening my fact my computer sitting on a 500-page book right now, called the law of nations a oneness. So everybody can see I’m not lying here on the town that has he… Yeah, I never feel was one of the founders of the principles in which our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were founded upon and so going back and studying that from a position of those men that drafted that compact and a compact is a legally

Caleb K. Coy

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