We keep looking for the missing link

As humans, we try to find the missing link, whatever that is to each one of us.


As humans, we often feel there’s something more to life than just work and paying bills. And you’ll be right. There is.

But that missing link is different for everyone. Why? Because the definition of success is not constant.

Throughout our lives, we search, knowingly or not, for that gap to be filled. But for many of you, no matter how much money you make, how many cars you buy, and how many vacations you go on — will not fulfill your life.

You don’t need to spend a week in a retreat or meet with a shaman to figure it out. Well, you could, to practice meditation.

But the reason is much simpler. CONTENTMENT.

My friends, you missing link can never be found because you lack contentment for the life. Seek contentment; just look in your life and realize you already have everything you need.

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