Proudly Celebrating Our 1st Powerful International Women’s Day at Fullmoon Digital

March 8th is an important day around the world: International Women’s Day! Originally celebrated in 1909 on February 28th, and the date jumped around for the first 30 years or so. It’s also the date of many women’s rights marches around the world. IWD was celebrated by the U.N. for the first time in 1975. 2011 was the centenary of International Women’s Day. 

Fullmoon Digital Media is proud that 50% of their staff are women. From marketing and analytics to public relations and customer service, women are succeeding daily at FMDM. Kirsten Larson has been working as a Client Success Manager at FMDM since January and says that she loves working here because she gets to grow and learn all the time. 

Kirsten had this to say when asked how she feels about how far she’s come: “I’ve come really far. I’m also a mom, so the expectations on me are different, people don’t think I should be a career woman. There’s been a lot of times where someone told me that I couldn’t do something and I just had to do it because I could”.

“It’s good to just feel like part of the pack.”

Shannon Green, a Navy veteran, also recently started at Fullmoon Digital as a Media Specialist. She said “I love working at a company that supports women. I’m treated the same as everyone else and valued as much as well. It’s good to just feel like part of the pack”. She said women veterans often look for somewhere to belong and she feels very lucky to have found that here.

Women around the world often face sexism, so on this International Women’s Day, Fullmoon Digital is thrilled to say thank you to the self-starting, strong women on their team. Kirsten also stated, “The number one thing for women is to learn to speak up. Sometimes we have to speak louder and stronger because we often get overlooked. We have ideas too!”. 

Women are still often held to outdated standards

Hearing a man or boy suggest or joke that a woman “belongs in the kitchen” more than once ever gets exhausting for many women, mostly considering they hear it way more times than that. Since the dawn of time, women have managed their homes and businesses when the men have gone off to war. 

Ever since World War II, women have been brave enough to really put themselves out there into the workforce. From building aircraft, to fighting wars, to running our homes and our charities, women have come out swinging from their homes. Once they were able to take the opportunity, they never gave it up. 

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day is more than just a day to think of the women breaking glass ceilings today

It is also a day to remember the women of the past who fought for the women of today to have the rights that they do. Remembering the women protesters who earned us the right to vote, the women who led resistances, who led armies and created amazing things is essential to remembering that we all must continue moving in the direction of equality. 

Between sexual slavery and trafficking, the wage gap, missing protections for pregnant women and new moms, and the gender biases or discrimination that they face, it is clear that further awareness is still needed. By recognizing and celebrating International Women’s Day every year we can not only remember but push forward with new legislation and protections for women everywhere. 

Protecting each other is the most important thing in the world right now. With the coronavirus picking up, it is more important than ever to make sure we pay close attention to the most vulnerable of us, and that includes pregnant women and new moms specifically. Please remember that today, and every day, every human is important. 

Check out for more information on gender inequality.

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