Local Simi Valley Internet Marketing Agency Featured on VoyageLA.com

Our founder, Derek Chew, was featured in VoyageLA.com for his work at Fullmoon Digital.

He got my first job after he graduated from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in 2000 where he received my degree in computer science and mathematics.

Derek started my career as a web developer for a small company in Ann Arbor, MI.

Shortly after, he started my career; the dotcom crash in 2001 left him jobless.

He couldn’t find a job in my field for over six months. Web developers flooded the job market, and supply outnumbered demand.

It was one of the most gut-wrenching moment for a fresh graduate.

That was when he got into the world of affiliate marketing – where he could market someone else’s products and take a cut off the top (my commission)…

You can read more about his story here.