Our Top 5 Display Advertisements of 2020 So Far

Display advertisements are everywhere. Our Top 5 Display Advertisements of 2020 will make you cry, laugh, and feel warm and fuzzy inside. Honestly after the first half of this year, we definitely think everyone could use 3 minutes of joy in their day, so enjoy.

Our Top 5 Display Advertisements

#5. The Pepsi Superbowl 2019 ad:


It makes us laugh, and feel good. The music is fun. Do you remember it? Then it worked. 

#4. The Burger King “Stay-at-Home of the Whopper” advertisement 


To be honest we love everything about this ad. First, we remembered it so that makes it a good ad to us. Then, the donation part gives us warm and fuzzy feelings. This is a great ad for our Top 5 Display Advertisements of 2020 so far.

#3. Princess Toast

Again, the main point of these ads is that you, the consumer, remember them. So of course funny ones are a great way to get people to remember your brand. Princess Toast definitely made the cut for #3 on our top 5 display advertisements this year so far.

Top 5 Display Advertisements Continued

#2. These adorable dogs


How could anyone not love him singing “mosquitoes”? Obviously in our top 5 display advertisements.

#1. This awesome ad: 


In the words of Old Navy, We are We, and we definitely belong in the top 5. Check them out here at https://www.oldnavy.com

Display Advertisements are the key to most things you view during the day.

Whether you are watching an amazing commercial, a boring billboard, or seeing an ad in a magazine, its all display advertising.

Check out more about advertisements, media, and company culture here: https://fullmoondigital.com/blog/