5 Things You Can Do To Stand Out To Hiring Managers During the Rush Back to Work

Things you can do to stand out to hiring managers may seem like common sense to some people. To others, it has been a long time since they stood in a crowd and had to explain to someone why they are right for the job. A record 30 million plus Americans have filed for unemployment since the pandemic began, and it does not sound like things will be getting easier this month. Here are ten things that you can do to stand out to hiring managers during the Coronavirus and the after-effects. 

Stand out to hiring managers #1. Volunteer some free time while you practice social distancing. 

Animals are still in shelters, kids are still starving (more now than before, too), and there is still an island of garbage floating in the ocean. You have more free time now than before without that commute. Give an hour of your time to make a mask, feed some kids, or pick up some litter. There are a ton of nonprofits in need of assistance. Here are a few looking for volunteers:

Volunteering is a great way to show your compassion and kindness. It is also a great way to show that you are a team player, interested in the welfare of your community. Right now, community is the most important thing we all have, so let’s show how much we care.

#2. Try something new (Bonus: step out of your comfort zone)

Want to show what a unique person you are? Use this time to do something new. Maybe something new is crocheting blankets (and you can donate them to babies at your local hospital). Or something new is starting an online dance group for you. 

The bonus part comes in if you practice something you don’t particularly love or are comfortable with. So if public speaking is hard for you, consider starting a YouTube channel reading stories to kids. Do a taped meditation session and share it with your friends, teach others how to do something new too. 

It will look good on resumes, and it may help you grow in the process. 

#3. Practice some self care

Here is another thing to do to stand out to hiring managers. Sounds kind of crazy to a busy professional, doesn’t it? How is self care productive? 

Easy! You cannot be the best you in the workplace if you aren’t caring for yourself. The better you feel, the more effort you will be able to give to things you do and care about. So in order to make sure you’re doing the best you can, you need to make sure you give yourself the best care you can. 

So take that bath, go for that walk, and dance to that song you love. 

Stand out to hiring managers

#4. Learn a new language

Obvious answer but if you want to stand out to hiring managers, learning a new language will put you above others. Consider that more than half of Americans now speak Spanish, and there is your good reason to learn. It is really awesome to be able to hire someone who can comfortably converse with the vast majority of potential customers. 

Making everyone feel at home or at least warmly welcome should be the pillar of any business. Including our bilingual or Spanish-speaking neighbors is important so you will likely have a good leg up. 

Try using DuoLingo which is free (use this link: DuoLingo). Use it in an app, or on their website.

#5. Solve a problem

Stand out to hiring managers by solving a problem of theirs. Every company has a problem, especially right now with coronavirus on the loose. Find a way to cut their costs, or increase their budget for marketing or operations. Help them change their company policies post-COVID. Show them how to make something they do more efficiently. 

stand out to hiring managers

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