8 Advanced Reasons Why Agencies White Label PPC Management

White label PPC management is nothing new. Big and smaller digital agencies white label PPC management from specialized pay-per-click companies like Fullmoon Digital to fulfill client work.

The idea of white labeling has been around for a very long time. It’s a partnership that affords digital agencies to leverage experienced PPC marketers instead of building an in-house team. 

There are many other reasons why a company would white label PPC management — from efficiency and effectiveness to budgets and experience. 

We will go into details and discuss 8 of those reasons in this article.

It dawned on me that the opposite of in-house is not out-house. That would have been REALLY awkward! But I digress.

Is White Label PPC Management Right For Your Business? Let’s discuss the pros and cons. I’ll be the first to say that white labeling is not for everyone. Some agencies make it work while others prefer to just refer clients directly. 

It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages if your firm is considering white labeling partners.

Pros of white labeling PPC management

  • Comprehensive expertise a specialized agency bring to the table outweighs your ability to hire, train, and ramp up to deliver results for clients. It is much more efficient to hire a turnkey marketing team so your project can hit the ground running without delays.
  • Happy clients cements long term relationships. With a reliable white label PPC management agency partner, you can have peace of mind that the right things will be done and done right. 
  • Focusing on sales and growth while the work is being done for you. You can expand capacity for a PPC services, so as not to miss out on a sale. In this case, you can white label to drive more revenue as a provider of that service.
  • Become a holistic partner for your clients. For example, if your core competency is in developing ecommerce websites on Shopify or building content sites with WordPress, and your client is looking to increase online sales through PPC marketing or SEO, then a white label setup can be meaningful and profitable when you combine your services with additional services that you can white label.

Cons of white labeling PPC management

  • Your reputation is dependent on the quality of work of your white label partner. That’s a scary proposition of you partner with the wrong team. I have heard of horror stories where agencies end up losing their client because the white label agency they hired completely failed. Don’t let that happen to you. 
  • Your margins are much thinner. Yes, that’s correct. You make less money because you do less work. Of course, that’s relative to the size of the project.
  • Dependency on your agency partner’s resources can be detrimental. Even with Standard Operating Procedures and Service Level Agreements in place, there will be instances that things slip through the cracks. It becomes an issue when you have no in-house expertise that can step in.

The pros and cons of white labeling for agencies go can go both ways, depending on what is best for your business at the time of the decision.

In addition to the few pros and cons of white labeling, through my experience working with agency partners, website development companies, and ecommerce developers, I have observed some fresh perspective (my POV) of why white labeling is chosen in many partnerships. 

White-label PPC Management: Your secret weapon!

Brands and businesses will seek your digital services to get more website traffic and more customers, increase their online reach, and promote their products or services.

However, your company also faces its own challenges: How do you scale your business if you get more clients? What if you have a slow month or three? How do you scale up or down? What about performance?

With our marketing services team, you no longer have to worry about any of that. Fullmoon Digital’s white-label digital marketing agency can do all the fulfillment work under your brand, so that you have more time to grow your company — ergo, focus on sales.

8 Reasons Companies White Label PPC Management Services

1. Collaboration Thrives

Companies that focus on a core set of services become a master of their craft. If you build ecommerce websites for a living, then you want to be the go-to for all things ecommerce. Sure, you could start offering SEO or PPC, but you won’t be great at it. 

By partnering with a company that has expertise in SEO or PPC, you are augmenting your level of service and most importantly, giving your client the best-in-class service they deserve.

Too many companies try to be everything to everyone. It doesn’t work. When you stray away from your core competencies, you become mediocre in everything.

Companies that white label focus on collaboration and believe that teamwork is the best way to thrive. 

2. Brain Trust is Massive

Working in a silo deprives you of valuable insights and experiences from other professionals. 

Nobody knows everything. We can at least agree on this. Right?

Working with specialists in other areas of digital widens your perspective and teaches you new things — almost every single time. 

When I meet with our white label partners, I am always amazed at the amount of insights and ideas brought to the table. It is rather straight forward my friends. 

The right people with the right skills coming together is important. You create a brain trust where ideas and insights are distributed.

3. Like Mindedness

This is a big reason why companies white label digital marketing services we offer at Fullmoon Digital. 

I am convinced that 90% of the time, businesses choose to white label our services because our mindsets align. Whether it’s about running a business, concerning strategy, or client management — when minds align, it’s magical.

Recently, I had discussion with a web development company; it was two guys. The call was set up to discuss each other’s capabilities, pricing, and other operational topics — we ended up talking about our philosophies of life and our approach to being more human with our clients. That was a magical moment.

What’s the point of partnering if your core values are misaligned. It is a recipe for disaster if money is the only thing you agree on. Trust me. I’m all for driving more revenue — but when characters are at odds, nothing good comes out of it. 

4. Fast Ramp Up

When we onboard a new client with our white label partner, the time it takes to transition, restructure, and start working on the account takes less than five days. 

Speed to market is something that clients care a lot about. And we do too! Why? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, digital marketing moves really fast. And teams that are agile win.

Just because you may understand how PPC works, doesn’t mean you can execute like a PPC ninja. A white label PPC management partner like Fullmoon Digital, your clients’ campaign can launch quickly and start driving online sales.

If speed and precision is important to your clients, then using a white label PPC management service is a logical approach.

5. Inadequate In-House Experience

Let’s face it. Chances are if you are a web development company, you do not have internal experts to work on PPC accounts. 

Similarly, we don’t pretend to be experts in development ecommerce websites, even though we can, we realize early on that it’s not an area that we excel in.

Understanding where you can focus your expertise is extremely critical to your firms success. Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Don’t be that agency that tries to take on every project — stop chasing the money without knowing your limitations.

White labeling is a great thing to complement your in-house team. I mean common! Your clients will get great PPC campaign management while you keep their website sailing smoothly as they navigate through the rough waters of ecommerce.

Every team has a function. Every person is part of the crew. And together, we set sail to the promise land…something like that.

6. A Sales Organization

You’re not a true digital agency that has a team of marketers who can execute. However, you have rock star sales people. Right?! 

So many companies are sales organizations that utilize white label PPC management partners to fulfill the work. 

I have met with at least four companies that market themselves as digital agencies, but are sales organizations that white label the work from actual SEO and PPC agencies to do the work.

Keep on selling. When you find a great white label PPC partner, the potential is endless to grow your organization.

7. Scale Without Incremental Resource

Even if your company already has in-house PPC marketers, your ability to keep on hiring and training new hires may be unrealistic. And hiring an experienced PPC person isn’t cheap.

With a white label service, you don’t need to worry about spending weeks interviewing applicants, training the new hire, getting them up to speed and then hope for the best.

A white label partner allows you to scale as much or little when you need to. The flexibility to add resources dynamically can save you a lot of money, increase your bottom line, and make our clients happy.

And what if the hire doesn’t work out? Then what? You have just wasted a ton of time and money in the process. This happens more often than you think. I mean, we have all heard of the stories of a wrong hire right?

8. It’s Who You Know and What You Know

Last but not least. Getting a good white label contract is about who you know. Sure, the work speaks for itself too. But who you know can be the thing that makes or breaks a deal.

You won’t get many companies to voluntarily admit that who you know carries weight in getting white labeling contracts. 

In fact, I lost a couple of deals because the person in charge hired a “friend” at the 11th hour of negotiations. The client (including a board member) had agreed to work with us. But as fate would have it, I received a phone call from my contact to inform me that the decision maker made a last minute pivot and went with someone else — all in 24 hours! There’s no such thing as a coincidence.

It is ridiculous how things work — old school things won’t change. Who you know can make a difference decades ago and still make a difference today and beyond.

Cheap White Label PPC Management Services

This doesn’t exist. Just forget about it. Don’t get fooled by white label companies that are offering their services to you for pennies on the dollar. 

white label ppc management

“Oh, Derek. Isn’t white labeling just outsourcing?”

I mean, you could say that you are outsourcing your client’s work…BUT white labeling is more than that, in my humble opinion. 

Unlike outsourcing, white label is a more involved process that puts your firm’s reputation on the line. 

I used to work as a contractor and was moonlighting. I would never refer to myself as a white label servicer then. I was flying solo. In my experience, a white label partner is more engaged, truly an extension of the in-house marketing team, and have more skin in the game.

Final Word

If you are considering white label PPC management, I hope this article has provided some insights into what you can expect.

Fullmoon Digital works with many companies that sell our services under their name.

Takes all the hassle out of integrating multiple vendors and provides your clients with one unified, seamless experience. Get to market fast and start earning now! 

With us, you can scale your business without worrying about costs related to hiring, training, and retaining employees. Our team of marketing strategists provides best-in-class PPC management to expand your current offerings and fulfill marketing services under your brand.

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