Top 8 Best Halloween Digital Marketing Campaigns

The top 8 best Halloween digital marketing campaigns appear here on this awesome list. Everything from candy to cosmetics comes in frightful style for the spookiest season of the year.

Halloween season launches well before the season in hopes of capturing as many customers as possible. In 2017, 9 out of 10 people said they were planning to buy Halloween candy, for example. 

Top 8 Best Halloween Digital Marketing Campaigns

8. Lunar Beauty Cosmetics

First, the amazing campaign was based on Charmed, the favorite witch series of the 90’s. Then they started on October 4th with a half hour long YouTube video and some social media posts to get customers excited and in the spooky spirit. Customers were literally begging for the release of the cosmetics. They did a great job using nostalgia to get customers ready to buy. 

Halloween spending in the US was projected at just over $9 billion in 2017. Cosmetics are definitely part of the huge retail event that is Halloween. Hence how Lunar Beauty Company ended up on the 8 best Halloween digital marketing campaigns. 

7. Skittles Zombies

In 2019, instead of doing their normal happy, fruity flavors for a zombie-like, rotting flavor. Besides changing up their normal flavors in favor of blackberry, melon, and more, they also added a mystery, rotting skittle for fun. You won’t know which one is the mystery flavor until you are eating it, which makes the pack even more fun. 

This was a great opening for user generated content, where people could play games and try to find the zombie flavor. On Instagram, the content did take off with users worldwide. That is why they get #7 in our 8 Best Halloween digital marketing campaigns. 

top 8 halloween digital marketing campaigns

6. Haute Halloween-Dior

Dior got in on the hot and spooky Halloween vibe by getting an influencer campaign going with Bella Hadid. She created and modeled a few different looks to show the haute side of Halloween, landing her and Dior at number 6 on the 8 best Halloween digital marketing campaigns. 

5. M&Ms Interactive Ghost Stories

In 2018, M&Ms ran an interactive social media campaign in the month of October. Every week they would write a story with two possible endings, and users would vote on what ending they liked better. The next week, the story would continue with the ending users voted on the week prior. 

Pretty neat ad with a great strategy to keep users engaged. A solid 10/10 rating from us, landing them at number 5 on our list of top 8 best Halloween digital marketing strategies. 

4. Fortnite and the Skull Trooper “skin” 

Every bit of marketing gets everyone’s attention with Fortnite and Halloween is no exception.  The biggest question on everyone’s minds is whether or not they will re-release the skin this year for Halloween as well. 

top 8 halloween digital marketing campaigns

3. Fanta Halloween

Every season, Fanta does a super cool job of impressing their customers with pretty graphic labels. Christmas trees at Christmas, and a super cool Horror set for Halloween. Instead of us telling you what is on the label, it would be much cooler to go look next time you are in the gas station or grocery store.  

Last year they had characters such as a witch on their label, so we will see what Fanta is up to this year. 

2. Burger King Trolls McDonalds

Burger King combined customer interaction with trolling of McDonalds for a really good digital marketing campaign. 

They offered a free whopper to the first 500 people to visit select stores as a clown, promoted by a creepy clown filled video. Not really a need to question how this campaign ended up on our top 8 best Halloween digital marketing campaigns. 

1. Of course, our own campaign on Tik Tok

Our Tik Tok (@ Fullmoondigitalagency) has a pretty awesome campaign on Tik Tok right now for Halloween. Combining cute videos with Halloween decor has been the spook in our eyes for the last month, with over 1200 views. Check us out. 

Is your shop prepared for the holiday season? Double check here. 

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