COVID-19: Lockdown with Thought Leader Jesse Todisco

Bryan Shue: Good morning, afternoon, or evening defining where you are in the world, watching us today. My name is Bryan Shue, and you’re on lock down with thought leaders in today. I have the distinct pleasure ofwelcoming Jesse to desk to the show and I’ve been a fan of youth Jesse for a while since we started connecting on LinkedIn and they join those conversation pieces you brought in through your own experiences and through your own show. So Jesse, thank you for joining us today and I turned over to you, so tell us about yourself man.

Jesse Todisco, a legend

Jesse Todisco: Oh man, well thank you so much to you and to Derek and full moon media, and also listeners and the viewers except an honor be here, thank you so much, just a quick overview today, what I do is

I’m a fiduciary which is a funny word to say that I have a legal obligation to take care of my clients, and put their best efforts in front of their best interest in front of mine, and I do that as a wealth manager, a wealth creator.

Jesse Todisco: Basically, what I do is I help people live well now and never were amount of money in the future, and take away any ’cause for concern any clarity issues, any confidence issues, they have around money any money questions they have, I can answer. And what a time that is now especially with Corona and the pandemic and the looming recession, because we are heading deep into a recession. It’s long overdue by the way. So if there’s one thing I can kind of put in front of the conversation now is, this is very normal for the market.

We were two years overdue for a correction and there’s a lot of ways to come ahead and get out ahead in this correction, which maybe we could talk about but outside of the wealth management I have a podcast that’s called the just a few show. I’ve been doing that for close to two years.

Jesse Todisco: We put out episodes, weekly. And its entrepreneurs thought leaders, creators and athletes that come on the show and share their journey, share their vision are the things they’ve overcome. I’ve had people on the show that have had tremendous things they’ve overcome from being disabled to winning world records in sports to being raped and overcoming that, so there’s all sorts of deep things that go on, but when I’m not doing that, I’m a full-time dad, I love my kids. Two sons I’m in the martial arts and sports, and I am a collector of experiences, so I love to do things and I love to spend my money on things that will be remembered in not just material possessions.

Bryan Shue: Wow, that is awesome and I love that. You mentioned that Center Experience, because especially in today’s climate, you don’t really find me. People that are talking about they want to collect those experiences, they want to live their life, enjoy their life and build those memories into their interior lives that they can look back on and say, “Oh man, I remember when I was here.

I remember going on that particular trip or whatever, IT case may be but… And you as above a great point about the recession and you being a money guy that’s an interesting conversation point for our viewers to be watching this because money is a big factor, especially in today’s world, and for those that are out of work because they’re… I think I just, all news this morning of three more million additional people thought for unemployment. I think our POs are like 6 to 7 million, maybe this highest 10 million file, for unemployment.

Bryan Shue: Yeah, it one of those 10 million people are watching this and I hope they are. What kind of advice would you give to that person? Both on the my perspective and then like a job perspective or the job hunting perspective.

Jesse Todisco: There’s a lot of people that are going through right now. My heart is bleeding for them. There’s a lot of uncertainty, there’s a lot of people that can’t make their next rent, mortgage payment. And so the first thing I can say is have faith have faith that this will turn around this tuchola. And my whole thing is mindset during some crazy things in my life, I’ve done some crazy things in my life. 

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