How To Drive More In-Store Traffic

Every retail store is competing to get more customers in the door. Whether you have one store or one thousand, the goal is the same — get more people coming in. If you are a store manager or district managers, you would be correct to worry about the changing trend in consumer behavior. More people […]

Stop Wishing for Greener Grass

One of the oldest saying, and also cliche goes like this: “What does it mean to say the grass is always greener on the other side “ This simply means that what the other people have is better than what you have on your side. I hate this phrase. It’s a phrase that the weak […]

Why Influencers and Celebrity Clout Couldn’t Save The Fyre Festival

Bill McFarland and Ja Rule had their mind set on cementing their place in entertainment history. Creating a once-in-a-lifetime musical experience on an exotic island. The Fyre festival was going to be the most luxurious music festival to date — featuring top performers, celebrity chefs, and accommodation worthy of prince and princesses. Of course none […]

Boost Your Local Business Online Marketing With These Proven Strategies

When local businesses dive into PPC advertising, the initial results are typically abysmal. And they give up on paid advertising — consequently letting someone else capture their online customers. In local markets, unlike national markets, the audience reach is limited AND competition is relatively high. This results is either brands paying too much per click […]

7 Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Content

Content marketing has the ability to impact lives. It invoke emotions and can change the way you feel towards a brand. Now more than ever, brands are acknowledging the power of content strategy – voice, visual, and videos — and are going all in to produce great content designed to drive attention. Content is the […]

Bring Your Ad Retargeting Campaign Images to Life

Ad retargeting campaigns can generate amazing results. You might have tried different ad images…with no noticeable increase in conversions. But you’re not alone. There are many things you can do to make things work better for you. If you’re not getting the results you are hoping for, then this article is written for you. You’re […]

Ignore Marketing Trends. Focus on These Instead

Marketers love to talk about trends. They love to predict what’s going to happen next, what changes will take place, etc. Don’t get me wrong. I can spend hours on end talking about trends — it’s the geeky thing to do! But here’s the thing. I realized our marketing industry trends we talk about range […]

Entrepreneurship is tough and punishes those who dare

Call it whatever you want, but you must be insane to go out on your own. “OK Derek, why are you being so negative?” I’m not. I am being blunt. And if this is not your cup of tea, this would be a good time to bounce — this article doesn’t get prettier from here […]

E-Commerce Growth: How Harbor Freight Tools Can Drive More Online Sales

I love Harbor Freight. I find myself wandering the isle even when I don’t have anything in mind to purchase…has window-shopping is a real thing! Not just because it’s where I can buy quality tools at very affordable prices! That’s always a plus. But there’s more… As a company, from their leadership to store team members, […]

The Art of Contentment — Your Secret to Happiness

An individual’s quest for happiness has to be the most basic yet complicated thing to figure out. Look around and you’ll notice patterns. People surround themselves with people and things in pursuit of happiness. You would expect happiness comes naturally when you have amassed everything you want. Right? Yet the number of people experiencing depression […]

The Education System Didn’t Fail You. Your Inability To be Accountable Did.

Stop drinking the kool aid.  It’s an attractive notion to blame our education system for not raising entrepreneurs. Because our human nature loves to rebel. We thrive on going against “the man.” If you profess accountability then start blaming yourself for not being able to find out what works for you or your lack of […]

The Smoke-and-Mirror of Success

I would be lying to you if I told you that I don’t like being successful. I do. And I dream about it every day!  Contrary to what you may have heard, I don’t think the desire to achieve success is necessarily unhealthy. But the obsession to become successful can be damaging. We’re bombarded by […]

Why I Started My Own Boutique Ad Agency Business

Starting a business comes with it’s set of challenges. A boutique ad agency startup is no different. By the time I realized how much it takes to run a startup, there was no looking back. I was in too deep. My boutique ad agency has to work! Some people give me grief for using the […]

Why Celebs Are Joining the Brand Agency Game

Anyone who’s followed the media and advertising world will notice a disturbance in the force. I’m not referring to Jedi powers or meta-human strengths, but this one is strong enough to shake the ground beneath the feet of many traditional media agencies. For decades the ad agency business is dominated by a handful of major […]

From Necessary to Impossible

There’s just too much information out there about how to grow your new business. If this is your first start up, and if you’re like most entrepreneurs, then chances are you will be overwhelmed. From accounting and marketing to technology and process. It’s an endless list of “TO-DOs” that will keep you up every night. […]