Improve Your Auto Parts Pay-Per-Click Ad with These Practical Tips

Writing ad copy for auto parts is different, more complex than many industries. The number of SKUs and combinations by year, make, and model can give any ad copy writer a migraine. From my experience, automotive PPC ad copy tend to be generic; for whatever reason — but my hunch is because it takes less […]

Auto Parts Business Can Stop Wasting Advertising Dollars With These Strategies

There is growing discussions within the auto parts retail community about decreasing Return On Investment (ROI) of digital marketing channels. Not all online marketing campaigns are inefficient. But many are unprofitable, depending on how campaigns are managed. Every marketing channel have it’s unique level of reach, performance, measurements, and tactics. Believe it or not, many […]

Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Your Facebook Campaign Objectives

Just like other advertising platforms, your Facebook advertising campaign goals can be designed to reach, engage, and convert. Every goal’s success is measured with specific primary metrics. As a result, the objective you choose will determine what optimization and bidding options you have throughout your campaign setup. Facebook is smart. The system is will equip […]

PPC Management for Auto Parts Industry

Auto parts PPC management is unique and significantly different than selling jeans, handbags, or shoes online. With fashion and apparel, you have variants of size and color. If you already know the shoe design you want, all you have to do is pick your size and you are done. When it comes to ppc management […]

Why software automation will not replace your job, at least not entirely

The promise of automation is plastered everywhere on software websites. It is being sold as the solution to take businesses to their next level. I often imagine this scenario… My clients are off to vacation on a tropical island, with copious amounts of margaritas, dipping their feet in the sand, and watch the sales roll […]

Tapping into the Sub-cortical and Limbic areas of the brain.

Marketing agencies have known about these secret for a very long time. In fact, consumers have been conditioned for so long that we no longer think twice about seeing these words in advertisements. After decades of testing, marketers have finally succeeded — they’re reducing your perceivable risks, adding value to you, and getting you to […]

Marketing Principles I Strive To Live By

I have been a marketer for 18 years, going on 19. It’s a long time to stay in one industry — but it’s what I love doing, I’m passionate about it. I worked in corporate jobs for many of those 18 years. But the entire time, I thought of myself as a marketer who just […]

PPC Ad Copy Tips to Get Your More Traffic and Conversions

Every copy writer I’ve worked with has experienced writer’s block. No matter how creative you think you are, there will come a time when you hit a brick wall and your creative juices stop flowing. You run dry — now what? I know people who have been writing PPC ads for many years for the […]

5 Advice for Running a Business in Real Life

There are hundreds to thousands of advice on how to scale your business — from blogs, videos, books, seminars — to help your business grow. This article will not be about those things. If you pull back the curtain, most of these advice are alike and repackaged to appear different. The themes usually revolve around […]

Digital Transformation Framework for Any Business

More companies are investing aggressively in their digital business, and this trend is not slowing down anytime soon. According to eMarketer, digital ad spending will overtake traditional media this year and continue to grow; representing 55% of total ad spend. Search’s growth is mainly attributable to advertising platforms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon which accounts […]

6 Incredible Types of Business Mentors You Need In Your Life

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to work with business mentors. They seek guidance to help them find their purpose and express their inner calling. But here’s the catch — there’s not ONE person that can give you everything you need. That’s right. One mentor cannot give you everything you […]

Why Outsourcing Aftermarket Auto Parts Marketing Is Your Secret Weapon

In this article, we will discuss why outsourcing aftermarket auto parts marketing makes sense. Let’s face it, you are in the business of manufacturer or selling car and truck parts. From upgrades, performance, replacements, and cosmetics, your company have hundreds of thousands of SKUs that needs to be sold. For that reason alone, your digital marketing should […]

Aftermarket Auto Parts PPC: Must-Have Campaigns

Auto parts PPC campaigns are becoming more critical to succeed online than ever. Whether you are a small auto parts business or a national aftermarket auto parts retailer, Google Ads campaign can dramatically increase your website traffic and online sales. There are plenty of PPC tips and tricks, but before going down the rabbit hole, […]

Build a Company Worthy of Your Employees

According to the average person changes jobs an average of 12 times throughout their career. Reasons for changing jobs Some examples of the common reasons why people change jobs include: Higher pay, better benefits and perks Relocation to a different geographic area Career advancement / promotions Choosing a less stressful environment Leaving an incompetent […]