3X Your Online Sales in 1 Year

Let me set the record straight.

Forget the idea of scaling or so-called growth-hacking your eCommerce business from $0 to $1M or $5M in 30 days.

“But Derek, so many eCommerce experts are selling their secret strategies of how they did it online.”

Yes, and if you’re feeling generous, go ahead and pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for access to the fluff.

And if you plan on attending master classes or buying into courses thinking that you’ll suddenly become an eCommerce expert — don’t bother. Let me be brutally blunt with you. You won’t overnight.

There is absolutely no realistic reasoning behind attending a 5-day seminar, listening to some speaker with 10+ years experience, and then replicating their success – IT’S AN INSANE proposition.

Don’t get me wrong. Your eCommerce revenue can grow. In fact, your eCommerce business can enjoy healthy and steady growth…

…but YOU MUST fix your mindset about long-term strategies and that starts with building a solid foundation of pillar habits that drive success.

Positive habits can cause rippling effects that transform your business

If you focus enough on these cornerstone traits, it can get strong enough to trigger other positive changes and impact.

As an example, people make commitments to losing weight. That leads to eating better, which in turn leads to being more active, and becoming more productive, etc. 

The point is focusing on your core habit will lead to accomplishing more through positive behavior.

For those of us who live and breathe marketing, it is important to develop a sound internet marketing strategy — one based on positive characteristic in addition to the day-to-day tactics.

Why are effective internet marketing strategies important?

Your eCommerce habits are tiny steps to achieving success in the long game.

Here are the outcomes you can expect from health eCommerce habits when integrated into your business:

1. Huge ROI

Optimizing your advertising campaigns can significantly lower your cost of customer acquisition for your business. 

With careful adjustments and changes you can have the peace of mind that your advertising dollars are spent efficiently and working for you. You won’t have to worry about your ads draining your budget every day.

Recently, we put a strategy in place that increased our client’s ROI by 160% in just three months. 

2. Drive More Website Traffic 

It’s not just about getting more traffic, but the right type of traffic. Whether it’s from social, search, or video the quality of your visitors matter. 

You’ve read about this in hundreds of articles, and heard about it from many speakers at every digital marketing conference stages. But when it comes to driving effective website traffic, businesses are still having a hard time figuring it out.

You could get 500% more website traffic but if these are people who are not interested in what you have to sell, it will still be a waste of your money, time and resources.

3. Increased Retargeting of Customers 

Retargeting website visitors, social page followers, current customers, and email subscribers is the best way to drive desirable revenue growth for your business.

Layer that with new capabilities to control, manage, and anticipate customer behavior…you start to create interesting campaigns that can efficiently capture the attention of visitors and ultimate envision a path to conversion.

4. More Granular Segmentation 

Gone are the days of creating one asset and serving it to all your visitors. If you’re still stuck in that tactic, it’s time to evolve or become irrelevant.

How you group your audiences can be guided by the behavior you are tracking on your website, social media pages, and other touch points for your business.

At Fullmoon Digital, we work very closely with our clients on segmentation definitions — constantly evolving and updating groups of audiences we want to target. The definitions then drive the types of creatives from video and images, to landing pages and ad copy.

When you put everything together, you have this almost-labyrinth matrix of segmentation + creative + messaging. We have seen eCommerce revenue increase upwards of 15% – 20% right after execution. And that’s before further optimization.

5. Get Better Insights to Improve Conversion 

I’ve never met someone who has never said “I don’t need more insights.”

No sirree.

Garbage-In-Garbage-Out (GIGO) must be on the mind of every marketer. In fact, everyone should embrace this mantra.

When it comes to your eCommerce business, data integrity is of utmost importance. Without proper tracking of your website visitors, you are going to be doing a lot of guessing — and that’s a horrible approach.

An effective marketing strategy isn’t just about driving traffic and getting more sales. It also involves knowing what’s going on in your “house.”

These Positive Habits Can Help Increase Revenue and more

If you have not bought into the long-game of eCommerce, you must have been hibernating or hiding under rock.

It is imperative for brands to think about how they need to engage their customers, position their brand, and adapt to consumer needs 5 years from today.

This conversation will not change. In fact, as time goes on the community will give it more attention as new brands, innovative technology, and consumer demands become more immediate.

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