How To: Create Great Content as a Content Marketer in 2020

Any content marketer will tell you that they ask themselves daily: “How do I create great content?”. Developing an article, story, video, blog post, or something else takes a lot of effort and time. No one just comes up with a great story and poof, it is done. 

Every story has to start somewhere. Videos don’t tend to just happen by accident. Not many people wake up one day and can write the perfect article or novel. Drafts take time. 

So what are some things a content marketer will do to to help them create great content? Find out below.

create great content

#1. Get comfy to create great content

Are you comfortable in a fluorescent office space? Do you see a lot of content marketers working from an office? Nope! We work from everywhere. To create content you have to be in the right head space to do so. Make your space your own and get comfortable. 

Some people create great content from their bedrooms or their kitchen. You might be comfortable sitting by the neighborhood pool watching your kids, or sitting with your partner by the TV at night. It doesn’t matter where you do your creating, just create. You can always edit it later. 

#2. Find topics that matter to you

A journalist will create great content from news events because that is their passion. Some people create great content from fashion, toys or gadgets because that is what they care about. Creating content is all about what you care about. If you don’t love what you are doing, you may not give it all of your effort and energy the way you should. 

Remember that your work reflects your best self. Content marketing is all about creating work that reflects you, and reflects the best of what you have to offer. 

*A personal note from the writer: I write mostly about human rights issues because that is what I am most passionate about. Find your niche and if you love it, stick with it.

#3. Understand SEO and the value of doing it with every piece of content you create.

create great content

What is SEO? If you are asking that question or if you don’t remember how to do SEO, you need to brush up some. Search engine optimization is how your article can get to the top of search engines. 

Did you know that putting outbound and internal links into your work mattered? Here is a beginners guide. 

create great content

Bonus tip: Knowing how to use social media to market your content is helpful.

If you create great content and no one sees it on social media, does it even really exist? The answer to that is a no, because you are missing out on sharing it with the most easily accessible audience you will ever have. 

Know how to use social media for sharing your content. Or, hire us to do it. Check out why here: Social Media Marketing FMDM

Design is Important!

Designing your content is half the battle. Are you writing an article? Is it in a How-To format? Are you creating a photo collage? The method you use to get through to your audience is just as important as the information you are trying to get across. By creating a clear picture in your mind of your target audience, you can much more easily ascertain which method of design is best for that audience. 

For example if you are trying to create great content about fixing a car for 20-30 year old women, you would be better off writing it as a how to article so they can follow step by step.

If you were creating that same great content for a 30-40 year old man though, you may be better off doing a video because many of them may already be well acquainted with what you are trying to convey.