Juneteenth (June 19th) And Why We Are Proudly Declaring It A Holiday


What is Juneteenth, and why does it matter?  Juneteenth is a lesser-remembered day by those whose ancestors were not enslaved in 1865. The day is a celebration of the end of slavery in Galveston, Texas.  On June 19th, 1865, Union Army Major General Gordon Granger traveled into Galveston Texas. He read the Emancipation Proclamation to […]

Are You Around Energy Vampires? Find Out How To Identify Them

So what’s an energy vampire? These are people in your life — business, friends, coworkers, partners, strangers — who drain your emotional energy. They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted. Energy vampires can maliciously suck every ounce out of you — mental energy, your time and resources, emotions, […]

Marketing Principles I Strive To Live By

I have been a marketer for 18 years, going on 19. It’s a long time to stay in one industry — but it’s what I love doing, I’m passionate about it. I worked in corporate jobs for many of those 18 years. But the entire time, I thought of myself as a marketer who just […]

6 Incredible Types of Business Mentors You Need In Your Life

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to work with business mentors. They seek guidance to help them find their purpose and express their inner calling. But here’s the catch — there’s not ONE person that can give you everything you need. That’s right. One mentor cannot give you everything you […]

The Art of Contentment — Your Secret to Happiness

An individual’s quest for happiness has to be the most basic yet complicated thing to figure out. Look around and you’ll notice patterns. People surround themselves with people and things in pursuit of happiness. You would expect happiness comes naturally when you have amassed everything you want. Right? Yet the number of people experiencing depression […]