Optimizing Your Brand for Image Search

  Picture speaks louder than words   Here’s a screenshot taken on 8/23/2018 for my own name “derek chew” in Google image search.   I captured the first fold of the results page. It contains a total of 36 images; 9 per row. At a glance, there’s a professor with the same name who’s dominating […]

10 Ways Social Media is Changing Churches Build Faith

Social media has influenced every interaction we have online. Social media allows you to engage all your friends and their connections. From sharing our latest news, what happened to our friends throughout the day, to sharing a picture of someone or something that we are proud of. This wasn’t possible 15 years ago. You and […]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday eCommerce Strategies You Can Bank On

black friday ecommerce cyber monday

It happens like clockwork every year. It’s as sure as the sun rise and sun sets. Just like sure things in life – tax & death. With solid Black Friday / Cyber Monday eCommerce strategies from experienced marketers at Fullmoon Digital, you’re already steps ahead in the game. To say your brand and business don’t […]

11 Awesome Reasons to Outsource Online Marketing to Grow Your Business

Warning! You’ll like what you’re going to read 🙂 Experts say that is no better way to get leads than to ask for them. So here I am, not just asking, but giving you eleven undeniable reasons why you should outsource online marketing for your company. If you’re an eCommerce business, by the end, if […]

The Ultimate List of 3’s of Marketing

Every marketer knows about the standard 3 Ps or 3 Ms or 3 Ws of marketing. Hundreds of articles have been written about the 3s, and hundreds of thousands of people have attended seminars to listen to their marketing idols impart wisdom on these 3s. But there are more than just P, M, and W. […]

Over 20 Ways To Acquire More Customer For Your Brand

Your brand must acquire new customers consistently. Right? Customer acquisition is every brand’s priority.  I hope so. But in order to get new customers, you must first reach people who are unfamiliar with your service or products; your new sources for customer acquisition. And that means thinking beyond your email list and your brand traffic. […]

I Realized My Content’s Visibility Sucked. Here’s What I Did to Fix Them.

derek chew

It’s funny when I meet with clients who are leveraging content marketing, they frequently bring up one of two things… Either they don’t have time to produce consistent content OR They have a difficult time getting their content to gain traction, and higher visibility in search engines. Now, if you’re thinking that it must be […]

Grit, Growth, and Glory; The Truth Behind A Startup Life

Once in a while, a great story pops up about a startup life and experiencing growth, going on hiring sprees, and closing huge round of funding to fuel expansions. I love reading those stories. I especially enjoy it when it happens to be someone I know! I get excited and cheer for them because it’s […]

Building Community: Five ways to Connect Through Your Community

When people come together to share and connect with a common foundation idea, we often see the formation of a community. Communities can be based off of any concept or idea that interests people to the point where they have some kind of passion that they want to share with others. With the vast presence […]

Mega Churches: The Ones Who Inspire the Masses

Think of a traditional Church; soft piano plays as people shuffle in and sit, soft light filters through the stained glass windows, some waiver through the service pamphlet in front of them, waiting for the service to start. Now, picture this; a concert hall filled with people, it is dark and the band begins to […]

Finding Your Brand’s Personality, Who Are You?

Your brand’s personality plays an important role in the success of your business and your customers’ loyalty. Nowadays, having a good product is no longer sufficient, it’s table stakes. Customers are savvier and looking for reasons to resonate with your brand and what your brand mean in their life. Customers want to spend money with […]

User Generated Content – Why do we care?

Often times brands struggle to find enough content to fill their feed, they want a fresh, new perspective on what their brand represents and what they have to offer. Consumers and brand followers often have a great perspective on how they see the brand and may point out things about a brand that they didn’t […]

Is It Necessary to Hire an Agency For SEO?

When we’re young and new to the world of entrepreneurship, we seek to do everything ourselves. Hell, I tried to do everything myself when I launched Fullmoon Digital 3 years ago — and I fell flat on my face. It’s a great way to save money – which a self-funded startup normally don’t have in […]

Don’t Neglect Your Digital Marketing Team

Do you have a digital marketing team equipped for success? Most companies think they do, but in reality, all the have are people who are working because of a paycheck. It’s safe to say that every aspect of your business requires equal attention. No matter the size of the issue or element at hand, it’s […]